CLC011BCQ ,Serial Digital Video DecoderPin DescriptionsName Pin No. DescriptionEAV 1 End of active video flag. For component video, a logi ..
CLC012AJE ,Adaptive Cable Equalizer for ITU-T G.703 Data Recoveryapplicationsmedical, set top terminals, industrial video networkssuchasrouters.Theequalizeroperates ..
CLC012AJE ,Adaptive Cable Equalizer for ITU-T G.703 Data Recoveryfeatures include a Loss of Signal output and ann Equalizes up to 300+ meters of Belden 8281 or 120o ..
CLC012AJE ,Adaptive Cable Equalizer for ITU-T G.703 Data RecoveryFeatures(or any media with similar dispersive loss characteristics).n Automatic equalization of coa ..
CLC012AJE ,Adaptive Cable Equalizer for ITU-T G.703 Data RecoveryApplicationsfor 270 Mbps data that has passed through 200 meters ofn ITU-T G.703 serial data recove ..
CLC014AJE ,Adaptive Cable Equalizer for High-Speed Data RecoveryFeaturesThe CLC014 simplifies the task of high-speed data recoveryn Automatic equalization of coaxi ..
Serial Digital Video Decoder
Serial Digital Video Decoder
General DescriptionNational’s Comlinear CLC011, Serial Digital Video Decoder,
decodes and descrambles SMPTE 259M standard Serial
Digital Video datastreams with serial clock into 10-bit parallel
words anda corresponding word-rate clock. SMPTE 259M
standard parallel datais encoded and scrambled usinga
9-bit shift register andis also converted from NRZto NRZI.
The CLC011 restores the original parallel databy reversing
the encoding process. The CLC011 also extracts timing
information embeddedin the SDV data. These reserved
code words, knownas Timing Reference Signals (TRS),
indicate the start and endof each active video line. By
decodingthe TRS,the CLC011 correctly identifies the word
boundariesofthe encoded input data. Detectionof the TRS
reserved codesis indicatedby low-true signalsat the TRS
and Endof Active Video (EAV) outputs.
The CLC011’s design using current-mode logic (CML)re-
duces noise injection into the power supply thereby easing
board layout and interfacing. The CMOS compatible outputs,
which feature controlled rise andfall times, maybe setfor
either 3.3Vor5V swings with the VDP and VCP inputs.
The CLC011 Serial Digital Video Decoder, CLC014 Adaptive
Cable Equalizer and the CLC016 Data Retiming PLL com-
bineto providea complete Serial Digital Video receiver
The CLC011is packagedina 28-pin PLCC.
Features Data decoding and deserializing CLC011B operatesto 360Mbps Low noise injectionto power supplies Single +5Vor −5.2V supply operation Output levels programmablefor interfaceto5Vor 3.3V
logic Low power Low cost
Block DiagramJuly 2002