CGY181 ,PCN/PCS 2 stage Power Amplifier MMICapplications• Fully integrated 2 stage amplifier• Operating voltage range: 2.7 to 6 V• Overall powe ..
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PCN/PCS 2 stage Power Amplifier MMIC
GaAs MMICCGY181Data SheetPower amplifier for PCN/PCS applicationsFully integrated 2 stage amplifierOperating voltage range: 2.7 to 6 VOverall power added efficiency 35%Input matched to 50 Ω, simple output match
ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, ob-
serve handling precautions!Plastic body identical to P-SOT-223, dimensions see Page
14.VG = – 8 V only in combination with VTR = 0 V; VG = – 6 V while VTR ≠ 0 V
Figure1Functional Block Diagram
Short Description of CGY181 OperationA negative voltage between – 4 V to – 6 V (stabilization not necessary) has to be
connected to the VG-pin, a positive supply voltage has to be applied to the VD-pins.
The VTR-pin has to switched to 0 V (GND) during transmit operation. The MMIC
CGY181 is self-biased, the operating current is adjusted by the internal control circuit.
In receive mode the VTR-pin is not connected (shut off mode).
DC Characteristics
Electrical CharacteristicsA = 25 °C, f = 1.75 GHz, ZS = ZL = 50 Ω, VD = 3.6 V, Vg = – 4 V, VTR pin connected to
ground; unless otherwise specified
All RF-measurements were done in a pulsed mode with a duty cycle of 10%on = 0.33 ms)!
Electrical Characteristics (cont’d)A = 25 °C, f = 1.75 GHz, ZS = ZL = 50 Ω, VD = 3.6 V, Vg = – 4 V, VTR pin connected to
ground; unless otherwise specified
DC-ID (VG) Characteristics - Typical
Values of Stage 1, VD = 3 V
DC-Output Characteristics - Typical
Values of Stage 1*
DC-ID (VG) Characteristics - Typical
Values of Stage 2, VD = 3 V
DC-Output Characteristics - Typical
Values of Stage 2**Pin 2 (VTR) has to be open during
out and PAE vs. Pin, VD = 3.6 V,G = – 4 V, f=1.75 GHz, pulsed with a duty cycle of 10% (ton = 0.33 ms)
Output Power at Different
Temperatures, VD = 3.6 V,G = – 4 V, f=1.75 GHz, pulsed with a
duty cycle of 10% (ton = 0.33 ms)
out and PAE vs. Pin, VD = 5 V,G = – 4 V, f=1.75 GHz, pulsed with a
duty cycle of 10% (ton = 0.33 ms)
Power Added Efficiency at Different
Temperatures, VD = 3.6 V,G = – 4 V, f=1.75 GHz, pulsed with a
duty cycle of 10% (ton = 0.33 ms)
Output Power at Different
Temperatures, VD = 5 V,G = – 4 V, f=1.75 GHz, pulsed with a
duty cycle of 10% (ton = 0.33 ms)
Measured S-Parameter at VD = 3.6 V and in=16dBm, VG = – 4 V, VTR connected
to ground, pulsed with a duty cycle of 10% on = 0.33 ms)
Power Added Efficiency at Different
Temperatures, VD = 5 V,G = – 4 V, f=1.75 GHz, pulsed with a
duty cycle of 10% (ton = 0.33 ms)
Measured S-Parameter at VD = 5 V and in=16dBm, VG = – 4 V, VTR connected
to ground, pulsed with a duty cycle of 10% on = 0.33 ms)