CGS74B2525MX ,1-to-8 Minimum Skew Clock Driverfeatures National’s Advanced Bipolarand also from device-to-device. Skew parameters are also FASTÉ ..
CGS74B2525N ,1-to-8 Minimum Skew Clock DriverCGS74B25251-to-8MinimumSkewClockDriverSeptember1995CGS74B25251-to-8MinimumSkewClockDriverGeneralDes ..
CGS74B303M ,Octal Divide-by-2 Skew Clock DriverFeaturesYClock Generation and Support (CGS) Devices ideal forThese minimum skew clock drivers are d ..
CGS74C2525 ,1-to-8 Minimum Skew Clock DriverCGS74C2525 CGS74CT2525 CGS74C2526 CGS74CT2526# # #1-to-8MinimumSkewClockDriverSeptember1995CGS74C25 ..
CGS74C2525M ,1-to-8 Minimum Skew Clock DriverCGS74C2525 CGS74CT2525 CGS74C2526 CGS74CT2526# # #1-to-8MinimumSkewClockDriverSeptember1995CGS74C25 ..
CGS74C2525MX ,1-to-8 Minimum Skew Clock DriverFeaturesone input driving eight outputs specifically designed for sig-Y TMThese CGS devices impleme ..
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1-to-8 Minimum Skew Clock Driver
September 1995
1-to-8 Minimum Skew Clock Driver
General Description
This minimum skew clock driveris designedfor Clock Gen-
eration and Support (CGS) applications operating well
above20 MHz(33 MHz,50 MHz). The device guarantees
minimum output skew acrossthe outputsofa given device
and also from device-to-device. Skew parametersare also
providedas ameansto measure duty cycle requirementsas
those foundin high speed clocking systems. The ’B2525is minimum skew clock driver with one input driving eight
outputs specifically designedfor signal generationand clock
distribution applications.
Features Clock Generationand Support (CGS) DeviceÐIdealfor
high frequency signal generationor clock distribution
applications CGS74B version features National’s Advanced Bipolar
FASTÉLSI process 1-to-8low skew clock distribution 600ps pin-to-pin output skew Specificationsfor device-to-device variationof propaga-
tion delay Specificationfor transition skewto meet duty cycle
requirements Centerpin VCCand GND configurationto minimize high
speed switching noise Current sourcing48mAand current sinkingof64mA Low dynamic power consumption above20 MHz Guaranteed4kV ESD protection
Logic Symbol
Connection Diagram
forDIPand SOIC
FASTÉand TRI-STATEÉareregistered trademarks ofNationalSemiconductor Corporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.