CGD942C ,870 MHz, 23 dB gain power doubler amplifierGeneral descriptionHybrid amplifier module in a SOT115J package, operating at a supply voltage of 2 ..
CGD942C ,870 MHz, 23 dB gain power doubler amplifierApplications CATV systems operating in the 40 MHz to 870 MHz frequency range1.4 Quick reference da ..
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870 MHz, 23 dB gain power doubler amplifier
1. Product profile
1.1 General descriptionHybrid amplifier module in a SOT115J package, operating at a supply voltage of V (DC), employing Hetero Field Effect Transistor (HFET) GaAs dies.
1.2 Features and benefits High output capability Excellent linearity Extremely low noise Excellent return loss properties Rugged construction Gold metallization ensures excellent reliability
1.3 Applications CATV systems operating in the 40 MHz to 870 MHz frequency range
1.4 Quick reference data[1] Direct Current (DC).
870 MHz, 23 dB gain power doubler amplifier
Rev. 3 — 29 September 2010 Product data sheetThis device is sensitive to ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD). Therefore care should be taken
during transport and handling.
Table 1. Quick reference data power gain f= 870 MHz 222324dB
Itot total current VB =24V [1]- 450 - mA
NXP Semiconductors CGD942C
870 MHz, 23 dB gain power doubler amplifier
2. Pinning information
3. Ordering information
4. Limiting values
Table 2. Pinning input
2, 3 common
7, 8 common
Table 3. Ordering informationCGD942C - rectangular single-ended package; aluminium flange;
2 vertical mounting holes; 2 × 6-32 UNC and 2 extra
horizontal mounting holes; 7 gold-plated in-line leads
Table 4. Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134). supply voltage - 30 V
Vi(RF) RF input voltage single tone - 75 dBmV
132 channels flat - 45 dBmV
Tstg storage temperature −40 +100 °C
Tmb mounting base temperature −20 +100 °C
NXP Semiconductors CGD942C
870 MHz, 23 dB gain power doubler amplifier
5. Characteristics[1] Gp at 870 MHz minus Gp at 40 MHz.
[2] Flatness straight line (peak to valley).
[3] 79 NTSC channels (55.25 MHz to 547.25 MHz, 48 dBmV output level) + 53 NTSC channels (553.25 MHz to 997.25 MHz, 38 dBmV
output level).
[4] Vo =48dBmV.
[5] Direct Current (DC).
Table 5. CharacteristicsBandwidth to 870 MHz; VB=24 V (DC); Tmb =35 °C; unless otherwise specified. power gain f = 870 MHz 22 23 24 dB
SLsl slope straight line f = 40 MHz to 870 MHz [1] 1- 2dB flatness of frequency response f = 40 MHz to 870 MHz [2] -0.5 -dB
CTB composite triple beat 79 + 53 flat NTSC channels [3]- −68 −66 dBc
98 flat PAL channels [4]- −66 - dBc
CSO composite second-order distortion 79 + 53 flat NTSC channels [3]- −70 −67 dBc
98 flat PAL channels [4]- −66 - dBc
Xmod cross modulation 79 + 53 flat NTSC channels [3]- −66 −58 dB
RLin input return loss f = 40 MHz to 80 MHz 20 - - dB
f = 80 MHz to 160 MHz 19 - - dB
f = 160 MHz to 320 MHz 18 - - dB
f = 320 MHz to 640 MHz 18 - - dB
f = 640 MHz to 870 MHz 18 - - dB
RLout output return loss f = 40 MHz to 80 MHz 20 - - dB
f = 80 MHz to 160 MHz 19 - - dB
f = 160 MHz to 320 MHz 18 - - dB
f = 320 MHz to 640 MHz 18 - - dB
f = 640 MHz to 870 MHz 18 - - dB noise figure f = 50 MHz - 3.5 5.0 dB
f = 870 MHz - 3.5 5.0 dB
Itot total current VB =24V [5]- 450 - mA
NXP Semiconductors CGD942C
870 MHz, 23 dB gain power doubler amplifier
6. Package outline
Fig 1. Package outline SOT115J
NXP Semiconductors CGD942C
870 MHz, 23 dB gain power doubler amplifier
7. Abbreviations
8. Revision history
Table 6. AbbreviationsCATV Community Antenna TeleVision Direct Current
GaAs Gallium-Arsenide
NTSC National Television Standard Committee
PAL Phase-Alternation Line Radio Frequency
UNC UNified Coarse thread
Table 7. Revision historyCGD942C v.3 20100929 Product data sheet - CGD942C v.2
• Package outline drawings have been updated to the latest version.
Legal texts have been updated.
CGD942C v.2 20091119 Product data sheet - CGD942C v.1
CGD942C v.1 20070607 Product data sheet - -
NXP Semiconductors CGD942C
870 MHz, 23 dB gain power doubler amplifier
9. Legal information
9.1 Data sheet status[1] Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design.
[2] The term ‘short data sheet’ is explained in section “Definitions”.
[3] The product status of device(s) described in this document may have changed since this document was published and may differ in case of multiple devices. The latest product status
information is available on the Internet at URL http://.
9.2 Definitions
Draft — The document is a draft version only. The content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in
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Short data sheet — A short data sheet is an extract from a full data sheet with the same product type number(s) and title. A short data sheet is intended
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Limiting values — Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in the Absolute Maximum Ratings System of IEC 60134) will cause permanent
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operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those given in
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Characteristics sections of this document is not warranted. Constant or
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Objective [short] data sheet Development This document contains data from the objective specification for product development.
Preliminary [short] data sheet Qualification This document contains data from the preliminary specification.
Product [short] data sheet Production This document contains the product specification.