CDCE72010RGCR ,10 Outputs Low Jitter Clock Synchronizer and Jitter Cleaner 64-VQFN -40 to 85 SCAS858C–JUNE 2008–REVISED JANUARY 201264 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 491 48TESTOUTA ..
CDCE72010RGCT ,10 Outputs Low Jitter Clock Synchronizer and Jitter Cleaner 64-VQFN -40 to 85FEATURES• Wide Charge-Pump Current Range From200μA to 3mA• High Performance LVPECL, LVDS, LVCMOS• P ..
CDCE906PW ,Programmable 3-PLL Clock Synthesizer / Multiplier / Divider 20-TSSOP 0 to 70SCAS814H–NOVEMBER 2005–REVISED DECEMBER 2007DESCRIPTION (CONTINUED)To achieve an independent output ..
CDCE906PWG4 ,Programmable 3-PLL Clock Synthesizer / Multiplier / Divider 20-TSSOP 0 to 70BLOCK DIAGRAMV GND VCC CCOUT1PLL BypassOutput Switch MatrixVCO1 BypassPLL1prg. 9 BitDivider MPFDLVC ..
CDCE906PWR ,Programmable 3-PLL Clock Synthesizer / Multiplier / Divider 20-TSSOP 0 to 70FEATURES • Programmable Down Spread SSC Modulation(1%, 1.5%, 2%, and 3%)2• High Performance 3:6 PLL ..
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CL431 , Precision Adjustable Shunt Reference
CL431 , Precision Adjustable Shunt Reference
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10 Outputs Low Jitter Clock Synchronizer and Jitter Cleaner
www.ti.com SCAS858C –JUNE 2008–REVISED JANUARY 2012
Ten Output High Performance Clock Synchronizer, Jitter Cleaner, and Clock Distributor
Checkfor Samples: CDCE72010
Wide Charge-Pump Current Range From
200μAto 3mA•
High Performance LVPECL, LVDS, LVCMOS Presets Charge-Pumpto VCC_CP/2 for FastPLL Clock Synchronizer
Center-Frequency Settingof VC(X)O,•
Two Reference Clock Inputs (Primary and Controlled Via the SPI BusSecondary Clock) for Redundancy Support SERDES Startup Mode (Depending on VCXOwith Manualor Automatic Selection
Accepts Two Differential Input (LVPECLor Auxiliary Input: Output9 can Serveas 2ndLVDS) References upto 500MHz (or Two
VCXO Inputto Drive All Outputsorto ServeasLVCMOS Inputs upto 250MHz)as PLL
PLL Feedback SignalReference RESETor HOLD Input Pinto Serveas Resetor•
VCXO_IN Clockis Synchronizedto Oneof Two
Hold FunctionsReference Clocks REFERENCE SELECT for Manual Select•
VCXO_IN Frequencies upto 1.5GHz (LVPECL)
Between Primary and Secondary Reference800MHz for LVDS and 250MHz for LVCMOS
ClocksLevel Signaling POWER DOWN (PD)to Put Devicein Standby•
Outputs Canbea Combinationof LVPECL,
ModeLVDS, and LVCMOS (Upto10 Differential
LVPECLor LVDS Outputsor upto20 LVCMOS •
Analog and Digital PLL Lock Indicator
Outputs), Output9 canbe Convertedto an •
Internally Generated VBB Bias Voltages forAuxiliary Inputasa 2nd VC(X)O. Single-Ended Input Signals Output Divideris Selectableto Divide by1,2, •
Frequency Hold-Over Mode Activatedby3,4,5,6,8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, 30, 32, 36, HOLD Pinor SPI Busto Improve Fail-Safe40, 42, 48, 50, 56, 60, 64, 70,or80 On Each OperationOutput Individually upto Eight Dividers. •
Inputto All Outputs Skew Control(Except for Output0 and9, Output0 Follows •
Individual Skew Control for Each Output withOutput1 Divider and Output9 Follows Output Each Output Divider8 Divider) Packagedina QFN-64 Package•
SPI Controllable Device Setting ESD Protection Exceeds 2kV HBM Control via SPI Industrial Temperature Rangeof –40°C
to 85° Non-Volatile Memory APPLICATIONS Settings without the Need Driver for High-End Telecom •
High Precision PLL Loop
Bandwidth Reference