CD74AC157M ,Quad 2-Input Non-Inverting Multiplexersmaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
CD74AC161E ,Synchronous Presettable Binary Counters with Asynchronous Resetlogic diagram (positive logic)9LOAD10ENT15RCO†LD7ENP†CK2CLKCK LD1CLRRM1G21, 2T/1C3 14QAG43A 3D4RM1G ..
CD74AC161E ,Synchronous Presettable Binary Counters with Asynchronous Resetlogic diagram of the D/T flip-flops.3POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265CD54AC161, CD74AC1 ..
CD74AC161M ,Synchronous Presettable Binary Counters with Asynchronous Reset CD54AC161, CD74AC161 4-BIT SYNCHRONOUS BINARY COUNTERS SCHS239C – SEPTEMBER 1998 – REVISED MARCH 2 ..
CD74AC161M96 ,Synchronous Presettable Binary Counters with Asynchronous Reset/sc/package.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, an ..
CD74AC163E ,Synchronous Presettable Binary Counters with Synchronous Resetlogic diagram (positive logic)9LOAD10ENT15RCO†LD7ENP†CK2CLK1CK LDCLRRM1G21, 2T/1C3 14QAG43A 3D4RM1G ..
CIH10T6N8JNC , Chip Inductor; CIH Series
CIH10T6N8JNC , Chip Inductor; CIH Series
CIL10NR10KNC , It has ferrite and 100% Ag as internal conductors, the CIL Series has excellent Q characteristics and eliminate crosstalk.
CIL10NR10KNC , It has ferrite and 100% Ag as internal conductors, the CIL Series has excellent Q characteristics and eliminate crosstalk.
CIL10Y100KNC , It has ferrite and 100% Ag as internal conductors, the CIL Series has excellent Q characteristics and eliminate crosstalk.
CIL10Y100KNC , It has ferrite and 100% Ag as internal conductors, the CIL Series has excellent Q characteristics and eliminate crosstalk.
Quad 2-Input Non-Inverting Multiplexers
Balanced Propagation Delays ±24-mA Output Drive Current
– Fanout to 15 F Devices SCR-Latchup-Resistant CMOS Process and
Circuit Design Exceeds 2-kV ESD Protection Per
MIL-STD-883, Method 3015
description/ordering informationThese quadruple 2-line to 1-line data selectors/multiplexers are designed for 1.5-V to 5.5-V VCC operation.
The ’AC157 devices feature a common strobe (G) input. When the strobe is high, all outputs are low. When the
strobe is low, a 4-bit word is selected from one of two sources and is routed to the four outputs. The devices
provide true data.
ORDERING INFORMATION Package drawings, standard packing quantities, thermal data, symbolization, and PCB design guidelines
are available at www.ti.com/sc/package.
FUNCTION TABLEPlease be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of
Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.