CD4514BM ,4-Bit Latched/4-to-16 Line DecodersCD4514BM/CD4514BC,CD4515BM/CD4515BC4-BitLatched/4-to-16LineDecodersFebruary1988CD4514BM/CD4514BC,CD ..
CD4514BM ,4-Bit Latched/4-to-16 Line DecodersFeaturesYWide supply voltage range 3.0V to 15VThe CD4514B and CD4515B are 4-to-16 line decoders wit ..
CD4514BM ,4-Bit Latched/4-to-16 Line DecodersFeaturesYWide supply voltage range 3.0V to 15VThe CD4514B and CD4515B are 4-to-16 line decoders wit ..
CD4514BM96 ,CMOS 4-Bit Latch/4-to-16 Line Decoder with Output 'High' on SelectMAXIMUM RATINGS, Absoluttr-Maximum Values:DC SUPPLY-VOLTAGE RANGE, (VDD)Voltages referenced to vss ..
CD4514BM96 ,CMOS 4-Bit Latch/4-to-16 Line Decoder with Output 'High' on SelectELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSCD4514B, 0045158 TypesI [ _CONDI'NONS LIMITS AT INDICATED TEMPERATURES fo ..
CD4515BC ,4-Bit Latched/4-to-16 Line Decodersapplications where low power dissipa-tion and/or high noise immunity is required.
4-Bit Latched/4-to-16 Line Decoders
February 1988
CD4514BM/CD4514BC, CD4515BM/CD4515BC
4-Bit Latched/4-to-16 Line Decoders
General Description
The CD4514Band CD4515Bare 4-to-16line decoderswith
latched inputs implemented with complementary MOS
(CMOS) circuits constructed withN- and P-channelen-
hancement mode transistors. These circuitsare primarily
usedin decoding applications wherelow power dissipation
and/or high noise immunityis required.
The CD4514B (output active high option) presentsa logical
‘‘1’’atthe selected output, whereasthe CD4515B presents logical‘‘0’’atthe selected output. The input latchesare
R–Stype flip-flops, whichholdthe lastinput data presented
priortothe strobe transition from‘‘1’’to ‘‘0’’. This input data decoded andthe corresponding outputis activated.An
output inhibitlineis also available.
Features Wide supply voltage range 3.0Vto 15V High noise immunity 0.45 VDD (typ.) Low power TTL fanoutof2
compatibility driving74L Low quiescent power dissipation 0.025 mW/package5.0 VDC Single supply operation Input impedancee 1012X typically Plug-in replacementfor MC14514, MC14515
Logic and Connection Diagrams
Dual-In-Line Package
Top View
Order Number CD4514Bor CD4515B
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.