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Quad 2-Input NAND Schmitt Trigger
February 1993
CD4093BM/CD4093BC Quad
2-Input NAND Schmitt Trigger
General Description
The CD4093B consistsoffour Schmitt-trigger circuits. Each
circuit functionsas a2-inputNAND gatewith Schmitt-trigger
actionon both inputs. The gate switchesat different points
for positiveand negative-going signals. The differencebe-
tweenthe positive(VTa)andthe negative voltage(VTb)is
definedas hysteresis voltage (VH).
All outputs have equal source and sink currents and con-
formto standard B-series output drive (see Static Electrical
Features Wide supply voltage range 3.0Vto15V Schmitt-triggeron each input
withno external components Noise immunity greater than 50% Equal sourceand sink currentsNo limiton inputriseandfall time Standard B-series output drive Hysteresis voltage (any input)TAe 25§C
Typical VDDe 5.0V VHe 1.5V
VDDe 10V VHe 2.2V
VDDe 15V VHe 2.7V
Guaranteed VHe0.1 VDD
Applications Waveand pulse shapers High-noise-environment systems Monostable multivibrators Astable multivibrators NAND logic
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
Top View
Order Number CD4093B
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.