CD4077 ,CMOS Quad Exclusive OR and Exclusive NOR GatesCD4070BM/CD4070BC/CD4077BM/CD4077BCMarch1992CD4070BM/CD4070BCQuad2-InputEXCLUSIVE-ORGateCD4077BM/CD ..
CD4077 ,CMOS Quad Exclusive OR and Exclusive NOR GatesFeaturesYWide supply voltage range 3.0V to 15VEmploying complementary MOS (CMOS) transistors toYach ..
CD4077BE ,CMOS Quad Exclusive-NOR GateFeatures Ordering Information• High-Voltage Types (20V Rating)TEMP. RANGEoPART NUMBER ( C) PACKAGE• ..
CD4077BF ,CMOS Quad Exclusive-NOR GateMaximum Ratings Thermal InformationDC Supply Voltage Range (V ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ..
CD4077BF3A ,CMOS Quad Exclusive-NOR GateMaximum Ratings Thermal InformationDC Supply Voltage Range (V ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ..
CD4077BM ,Quad 2-Input Exclusive-NOR GateMaximum Ratings Thermal InformationDC Supply Voltage Range (V ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ..
CFH 400 , Low-Noise, High-Linearity Packaged pHEMT FET
CFH120-08 ,Preliminary DatasheetCharacteristics Symbol Max. Value UnitDrain-source voltage V 3.0 VDSDrain-gate voltage V 4.0 VDGGat ..
CFH120-08 ,Preliminary DatasheetGaAs HEMT CFH120___________________________________________________________________________________ ..
CFH120-08 ,Preliminary DatasheetFeatures· low noise pseudomorphic HEMTwith high associated gain· low cost plastic package· for low ..
CFH800 , Typical Common Source S - Parameters
CFK0301 , High Dynamic Range Dual, Low Noise GaAs FET
Quad 2-Input EXCLUSIVE-OR/ NOR Gate
March 1992
Quad 2-Input EXCLUSIVE-OR Gate
Quad 2-Input EXCLUSIVE-NOR Gate
General Description
Employing complementary MOS (CMOS) transistorsto
achieve widepowersupply operating range,low power con-
sumption, and high noise margin,the CD4070BM/BCand
CD4077BM/BC provide basic functions usedinthe imple-
mentationof digital integrated circuit systems. TheN-and
P-channel enhancement mode transistors providea sym-
metrical circuit with output swing essentially equaltothe
supply voltage.NoDC power other than that causedby
leakage currentis consumed during static condition.Allin-
putsare protected from damagedueto static dischargeby
diode clampsto VDDand VSS.
Features Wide supply voltage range 3.0Vto 15V High noise immunity 0.45 VDDtyp. Low power TTL Fanoutof2 driving 74L
compatibility or1 driving 74LS CD4070BÐPin compatibleto CD4030A
ÐEquivalentto MM54C86/MM74C86
and MC14070B CD4077BÐEquivalentto MC14077B
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
Top View
Dual-In-Line Package
Typical Performance
Truth Tables
Propagation Delay Time
vsLoad Capacitance
Inputs Outputs Y L H H L
Inputs Outputs Y H L L H
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.