CD4052BC ,Dual 4-Channel Analog Multiplexer/DemultiplexerFeaturesb aanalog signals from 5V to 5V can be controlled by digi-YWide range of digital and analog ..
CD4052BCJ ,Single 8-Channel/ Dual 4-Channel/ Triple 2-Channel Analog Multiplexer/DemultiplexeFeaturesb aanalog signals from 5V to 5V can be controlled by digi-YWide range of digital and analog ..
CD4052BCM ,Dual 4-Channel Analog Multiplexer/DemultiplexerFeaturesThe CD4051BC, CD4052BC, and CD4053BC analog mul- ■ Wide range of digital and analog signal ..
CD4052BCMX ,Dual 4-Channel Analog Multiplexer/DemultiplexerCD4051BC • CD4052BC CD4053BC Single 8-Channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer Dual 4-Channel A ..
CD4052BCN ,Dual 4-Channel Analog Multiplexer/DemultiplexerCD4051BC • CD4052BC CD4053BC Single 8-Channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer Dual 4-Channel A ..
CD4052BCSJ ,Dual 4-Channel Analog Multiplexer/DemultiplexerCD4051BC • CD4052BC CD4053BC Single 8-Channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer Dual 4-Channel A ..
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Single 8-Channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer
October 1989
CD4051BM/CD4051BC Single 8-Channel Analog
CD4052BM/CD4052BC Dual 4-Channel Analog
CD4053BM/CD4053BC Triple 2-Channel Analog
General Description
These analog multiplexers/demultiplexersare digitally con-
trolled analog switches havinglow ‘‘ON’’ impedance and
verylow ‘‘OFF’’ leakage currents. Controlof analog signalsto 15Vp-pcanbe achievedby digital signal amplitudesof
3–15V. Forexample,if VDDe5V, VSSe0Vand VEEeb5V,
analog signals from b5Vto a5Vcanbe controlledby digi-
tal inputsof 0–5V. The multiplexer circuits dissipateex-
tremelylow quiescent power overthefull VDDbVSS and
VDD bVEE supply voltage ranges, independentofthe logic
stateofthe control signals. Whena logical‘‘1’’is presentat
the inhibit input terminalall channelsare ‘‘OFF’’.
CD4051BM/CD4051BCisa single 8-channel multiplexer
havingthree binary control inputs. A,B,and C,andan inhibit
input.The three binary signals select1of8 channelstobe
turned ‘‘ON’’and connectthe inputtothe output.
CD4052BM/CD4052BCisa differential 4-channel multiplex- havingtwo binary control inputs,AandB,andan inhibit
input. The two binary input signals select1or4 pairsof
channelstobe turnedonand connectthe differential ana-
log inputstothe differential outputs.
CD4053BM/CD4053BCisa triple 2-channel multiplexer
havingthreeseparate digital control inputs, A,B,andC,and inhibit input. Each control input selects oneofapairof
channelswhichare connectedin asingle-pole double-throw
Features Wide rangeof digital and analog signal levels: digital
3–15V, analogto 15Vp-p Low ‘‘ON’’ resistance: 80X (typ.) over entire 15Vp-psig-
nal-input rangefor VDDbVEEe15V High ‘‘OFF’’ resistance: channel leakageof g10pA
(typ.)at VDDbVEEe10V Logic level conversionfor digital addressing signalsof
3–15V (VDDbVSSe3–15V)to switch analog signalsto Vp-p (VDD bVEE e15V) Matched switch characteristics: DRONe5X (typ.)for
VDD bVEE e15V Very low quiescent power dissipation underall digital-
control input and supply conditions:1 mW (typ.)at
VDDbVSSeVDDbVEEe10V Binary address decodingon chip
Connection Diagrams
CD4051BM/CD4051BC CD4052BM/CD4052BC CD4053BM/CD4053BC
Order NumberCD4051B,CD4052B,or CD4053B
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.