CD4047BF ,CMOS Low-Power Monostable/Astable MultivibratorMAXIMUM RATINGS, Absolute-Maximum Values:DC SUPPLY-VOLTAGE RANGE, (VDD)Voltages referenced to vss T ..
CD4047BF3A ,CMOS Low-Power Monostable/Astable Multivibratorlogic diagram for tlip-tlaps FF1 and FF3 (a) and for flip-flops FF2 and FF4 (b)..5OUTPUT HIGH (SOUR ..
CD4047BM ,Low Power Monostable/Astable MultivibratorFeatures:I Free-running or gatab/e operatingmodesI 50% duty cycleVWT; DD'3 t_1Scourn-c COMM N kt ig ..
CD4047BM96 ,CMOS Low-Power Monostable/Astable Multivibratorlogic diagram for tlip-tlaps FF1 and FF3 (a) and for flip-flops FF2 and FF4 (b)..5OUTPUT HIGH (SOUR ..
CD4047BM96 ,CMOS Low-Power Monostable/Astable MultivibratorFeatures:I Low power consumption: special CMOSoscillator configurationI Monostable (one-shot) or as ..
CD4047BM96G4 ,CMOS Low-Power Monostable/Astable Multivibrator 14-SOIC -55 to 125Features:I Positive- or negative- edge triggerI Output pulse width independent oftrigger pulse dura ..
CEM4804 ,Excel Technology - Dual N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
CEM4808 ,Excel Technology - Dual N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
CEM4936 ,Excel Technology - Dual N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
CEM4948 ,Excel Technology - Dual P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
CEM6861 ,Excel Technology - P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
CEM7101 ,Excel Technology - Dual N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
CMOS Low-Power Monostable/Astable Multivibrator
SCHS044C − Revised September 2003 The CD4047B-Series types are supplied in 14-lead hermetic dual-in-line ceramic packages (F3A suffix), 14-lead dual-in-line plastic packages (E suffix), 14-lead small-outline packages (M, MT, M96, and NSR suffixes), and 14-lead thin shrink small-outline packages (PW and PWR Copyright© 2003, suffixes).