CD4028BCN ,BCD-to-Decimal DecoderFeaturesYWide supply voltage range 3.0V to 15VThe CD4028BM/CD4028BC is a BCD-to-decimal or binary-Y ..
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BCD-to-Decimal Decoder
February 1988
CD4028BM/CD4028BC BCD-to-Decimal Decoder
General Description
The CD4028BM/CD4028BCisa BCD-to-decimalor binary-
to-octal decoder consistingof4 inputs, decoding logic
gates,and10 output buffers.A BCD code appliedtothe4
inputs,A,B,C,andD, resultsina high levelatthe selected
1-of-10 decimal decoded outputs. Similarly,a 3-bit binary
code appliedto inputsA,B, andCis decodedin octalat
outputs 0–7.A high level signalattheD input inhibits octal
decodingand causes outputs 0–7togo low.
All inputsare protected against static discharge damageby
diode clampsto VDDand VSS.
Features Wide supply voltage range 3.0Vto 15V High noise immunity 0.45 VDD (typ.) Low power TTL fanoutof2 driving74L
compatibility or1 driving 74LS Low power Glitch free outputs ‘‘Positive logic’’on inputs and outputs
Applications Code conversion Address decoding Indicator-tube decoder
Logic and Connection Diagrams
Dual-In-Line Package
Order NumberCD4028B
Truth Table
DCBA0123456789000 1000000000001 0100000000010 0010000000011 0001000000100 0000100000 BCDStates0101 0000010000110 0000001000e HighLevel01110000000100e Low Level10000000000010001 0000000001-010 0000000010011 0000000001100 0000000010 Extraordinary States1101 0000000001110 0000000010111 0000000001*
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.