CD40109BQNSRQ1 ,Automotive catalog CMOS Quad Low-to-High Voltage Level Shifter (20V Rating) 16-SO -40 to 125FEATURES• Qualified for Automotive Applications Description of 'B' Series CMOS Devices"• Independen ..
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Automotive catalog CMOS Quad Low-to-High Voltage Level Shifter (20V Rating) 16-SO -40 to 125
www.ti.com SCHS380 A–JUNE 2010–REVISED AUGUST 2011
Checkfor Samples: CD40109B-Q1
1FEATURES Qualified for Automotive Applications Descriptionof 'B' Series CMOS Devices" Independentof Power Supply Sequence •
Latch-Up Performance Meets50 mA per JESD
Considerations 78, ClassI VCC Can Exceed VDD APPLICATIONS–
Input Signals can Exceed Both VCC and VDD High-or-Low Level-Shifting With Three-State•
Up and Down Level-Shifting Capability Outputs for Unidirectionalor Bidirectional•
Three-State Outputs With Separate Enable BussingControls •
Isolationof Logic Subsystem Using Separate•
Standardized Symmetrical Output Power Supplies from Supply Sequencing,Characteristics Supply Loss, and Supply Regulation•
100% Tested for Quiescent Currentat20V Considerations Maximum Input Current: 1 µA
at18V Over Full NS PACKAGE
(TOP VIEW)Package-Temperature Range 100 nAat18V and 25°C Noise Margin (Full Package-Temperature
Range): 1Vat VCC=5V, VDD=10V 2Vat VCC=10V, VDD=15V 5-V, 10-V, and 15-V Parametric Ratings Meets All Requirementsof JEDEC Tentative
Standard No. 13B, "Standard specifications for
DESCRIPTIONCD40109B contains four low-to-high-voltage level-shifting circuits. Each circuit will shifta low-voltage digital-logic
input signal (A,B,C,D) with logical1= VCC and logical0= VSStoa high-voltage output signal (E,F,G,H) with0= VSS. low-to-high level-shifting circuits, does not require the presence of the before applicationof either the low-voltage supply (VCC)or the input signals. There the sequenceof applicationof VDD, VCC, or the input signals.In addition, with one