DO3316P-222 ,N-Channel FET Synchronous Buck Regulator Controller for Low Output VoltagesFeaturesn Input power from 2.2V to 16VThe LM2727 and LM2737 are high-speed, synchronous,switching r ..
DO3316P-222 ,N-Channel FET Synchronous Buck Regulator Controller for Low Output VoltagesApplicationsduty-cycle operation. The wide range of operating frequen-n Cable Modemscies gives the ..
DO3316P-222 ,N-Channel FET Synchronous Buck Regulator Controller for Low Output VoltagesPin Descriptionon this pin is compared with an internally generated rampBOOT (Pin 1) - Supply rail ..
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DO3316P-223MLD , SMT Power Inductors - DO3316P Series
DS75452N ,DS75450, DS75451, DS75452, DS75453, DS75454 Dual Peripheral Driver [Life-time buy]Featuresn 300 mA output current capabilityThe DS7545X series of dual peripheral drivers is a family ..
DS75453M ,DS75450, DS75451, DS75452, DS75453, DS75454 Dual Peripheral Driver [Life-time buy]Featuresn 300 mA output current capabilityThe DS7545X series of dual peripheral drivers is a family ..
DS75453MX ,DS75450, DS75451, DS75452, DS75453, DS75454 Dual Peripheral Driver [Life-time buy]DS75451/2/3 Series Dual Peripheral DriversFebruary 2000DS75451/2/3Series Dual Peripheral Drivers
DS75453N ,DS75450, DS75451, DS75452, DS75453, DS75454 Dual Peripheral Driver [Life-time buy]applications include high speed logic buffers,n No output latch-up at 20Vpower drivers, relay drive ..
DS75454N ,Series Dual Peripheral DriversElectrical Characteristics(Notes 6, 7)Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsV High-Level Inp ..
DS75454N ,Series Dual Peripheral Driversapplications include high speed logic buffers,n No output latch-up at 20Vpower drivers, relay drive ..
N-Channel FET Synchronous Buck Regulator Controller for Low Output Voltages
N-Channel FET Synchronous Buck Regulator Controller
for Low Output V oltages
General DescriptionThe LM2727 and LM2737 are high-speed, synchronous,
switching regulator controllers. They are intendedto control
currentsof 0.7Ato 20A withupto 95% conversion efficien-
cies. The LM2727 employs output over-voltage and under-
voltage latch-off. For applications where latch-offis not de-
sired, the LM2737 can be used. Power up and down
sequencingis achieved withthe power-good flag, adjustable
soft-start and output enable features. The LM2737 and
LM2737 operate froma low-current5V bias and can convert
froma 2.2Vto 16V power rail. Both parts utilizea fixed-
frequency, voltage-mode, PWM control architecture and the
switching frequencyis adjustable from 50kHzto 2MHzby
adjusting the valueofan external resistor. Current limitis
achievedby monitoring the voltage drop across the on-
resistanceof the low-side MOSFET, which enhances low
duty-cycle operation. The wide rangeof operating frequen-
cies gives the power supply designer the flexibilityto fine-
tune component size, cost, noise and efficiency. The adap-
tive, non-overlapping MOSFET gate-drivers and high-side
bootstrap structure helpsto further maximize efficiency. The
high-side power FET drain voltage canbe from 2.2Vto 16V
andthe output voltageis adjustable downto 0.6V.
Features Input power from 2.2Vto 16V Output voltage adjustable downto 0.6V Power Good flag, adjustable soft-start and output enable
for easy power sequencing Output over-voltage and under-voltage latch-off
(LM2727) Output over-voltage and under-voltage flag (LM2737) Reference Accuracy: 1.5% (0˚C- 125˚C) Current limit without sense resistor Soft start Switching frequency from50 kHzto2 MHz TSSOP-14 package
Applications Cable Modems Set-Top Boxes/ Home Gateways DDR Core Power High-Efficiency Distributed Power Local Regulationof Core Power
Typical ApplicationJune 2003