BTA312-800C ,3Q Hi-Com TriacApplications• Electronic thermostats (heating and cooling)High power motor controls e.g. washing ma ..
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3Q Hi-Com Triac
A312-800C3Q Hi-Com Triac4 October 2012 Product data sheet Product profile
1.1 General descriptionPlanar passivated high commutation three quadrant triac in a SOT78 (TO-220AB) plasticpackage intended for use in circuits where high static and dynamic dV/dt and high dI/dtcan occur. This "series C" triac will commutate the full RMS current at the maximum ratedjunction temperature without the aid of a snubber.
1.2 Features and benefits 3Q technology for improved noise immunity• High commutation capability with maximum false trigger immunity• High voltage capability• Less sensitive gate for high noise immunity• Planar passivated for voltage ruggedness and reliability• Triggering in three quadrants only• Very high immunity to false turn-on by dV/dt
1.3 Applications Electronic thermostats (heating and cooling)• High power motor controls e.g. washing machines and vacuum cleaners• Rectifier-fed DC inductive loads e.g. DC motors and solenoids
1.4 Quick reference data
Table 1. Quick reference data
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitVDRM repetitive peak off-
state voltage - 800 V
ITSM non-repetitive peak on-
state current
full sine wave; Tj(init) = 25 °C;
tp = 20 ms; Fig. 4; Fig. 5 - 100 A
IT(RMS) RMS on-state current full sine wave; Tmb ≤ 100 °C; Fig. 1;
Fig. 2; Fig. 3 - 12 A
Static characteristicsVD = 12 V; IT = 0.1 A; T2+ G+; - 35 mAIGT gate trigger current - 35 mA
NXP Semiconductors BTA312-800C
3Q Hi-Com Triac
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitVD = 12 V; IT = 0.1 A; T2- G-;
Tj = 25 °C; Fig. 7 - 35 mA
Pinning information
Table 2. Pinning information
Pin Symbol Description Simplified outline Graphic symbol T1 main terminal 1 T2 main terminal 2 G gate T2 mounting base; mainterminal 22
TO-220AB (SOT78)sym051
Ordering information
Table 3. Ordering information
PackageType number
Name Description VersionBTA312-800C TO-220AB plastic single-ended package; heatsink mounted; 1 mountinghole; 3-lead TO-220AB SOT78
BTA312-800C/DG TO-220AB plastic single-ended package; heatsink mounted; 1 mounting
hole; 3-lead TO-220AB
Limiting values
Table 4. Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max UnitVDRM repetitive peak off-state voltage - 800 V
IT(RMS) RMS on-state current full sine wave; Tmb ≤ 100 °C; Fig. 1;
Fig. 2; Fig. 3 12 A
full sine wave; Tj(init) = 25 °C;
tp = 20 ms; Fig. 4; Fig. 5 100 AITSM non-repetitive peak on-state
current 110 A
NXP Semiconductors BTA312-800C
3Q Hi-Com Triac
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit2t I2 t for fusing tp = 10 ms; SIN - 50 A2s
dIT/dt rate of rise of on-state current IT = 20 A; IG = 0.2 A; dIG/dt = 0.2 A/µs - 100 A/µs
IGM peak gate current - 2 A
PGM peak gate power - 5 W
PG(AV) average gate power over any 20 ms period - 0.5 W
Tstg storage temperature -40 150 °C junction temperature - 125 °C
-50 0 50 100 150Tmb(°C)
Fig. 1. RMS on-state current as a function of mountingbase temperature; maximum values003aab687-2 10-1 1 10surge duration(s)
f = 50 Hz; Tmb = 100 °C
Fig. 2. RMS on-state current as a function of surgeduration; maximum values003aab690 12
(W)= 180°
NXP Semiconductors BTA312-800C
3Q Hi-Com Triac003aab80623-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1tp(s)
Tj(init) = 25 °C max
tp ≤ 20 ms
(1) dIT/dt limit
Fig. 4. Non-repetitive peak on-state current as a function of pulse duration; maximum values003aab809
120 10 102 103number of cycles (n)
Tj(init) = 25 °C max
f = 50 Hz
Fig. 5. Non-repetitive peak on-state current as a function of the number of sinusoidal current cycles; maximumvalues Max Unit 1.5 K/W 2 K/W - K/W
NXP Semiconductors BTA312-800C
3Q Hi-Com Triac003aab775
tp (s)10-5 1 1010-110-210-4 10-3
(1) Unidirectional (half cycle)
(2) Bidirectional (full cycle)
Fig. 6. Transient thermal impedance from junction to mounting base as a function of pulse duration Characteristics
Table 6. Characteristics
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Static characteristicsVD = 12 V; IT = 0.1 A; T2+ G+;
Tj = 25 °C; Fig. 7 - 35 mA
VD = 12 V; IT = 0.1 A; T2+ G-;
Tj = 25 °C; Fig. 7 - 35 mA
IGT gate trigger current
VD = 12 V; IT = 0.1 A; T2- G-;
Tj = 25 °C; Fig. 7 - 35 mA
VD = 12 V; IG = 0.1 A; T2+ G+;
Tj = 25 °C; Fig. 8 - 50 mA
VD = 12 V; IG = 0.1 A; T2+ G-; - 60 mA latching current 50 mA 35 mA 1.6 V - V 1.5 V 0.5 mA
NXP Semiconductors BTA312-800C
3Q Hi-Com Triac
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Dynamic characteristicsdVD/dt rate of rise of off-state
VDM = 536 V; Tj = 125 °C; (VDM = 67%
of VDRM); exponential waveform; gate
open circuit
500 - - V/µs
dIcom/dt rate of change of commutating current VD = 400 V; Tj = 125 °C; IT(RMS) = 12 A;
dVcom/dt = 20 V/µs; (snubberless
condition); gate open circuit - - A/ms
Tj (°C)-50 1501000 50
(1) T2- G-(2) T2+ G-
(3) T2+ G+
Fig. 7. Normalized gate trigger current as a function of
junction temperatureTj (°C)-50 1501000 50
Fig. 8. Normalized latching current as a function ofjunction temperature