BSP350 ,MiniPROFET(High-side switch Short-circuit protection Overtemperature protection with hysteresis)applications only. Reverse load current only limited by connected load.2) 2BSP 350 on epoxy pcb 40 ..
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MiniPROFET(High-side switch Short-circuit protection Overtemperature protection with hysteresis)
Mini PROFET® BSP 350
MiniPROFET• High-side switch
• Short-circuit protection
• Overtemperature protection with hysteresis
• Overload protection
• Overvoltage protection
• Reverse battery protection1)
• Switching inductive load
• Clamp of negative output voltage with inductive loads
• Maximum current internally limited
Package: SOT 223
Maximum Ratings
BSP 350
Electrical Characteristics
Load Switching Capabilities and Characteristics
Operating Parameters BSP 350
Protection Functions
Reverse Diode load current limits onset at IL * Ron approx. 1V
short circuit protection: combination of current limit and thermal overload switch offwhile demagnetizing load inductance, dissipated energy is EAS= ∫(VON(CL) * iL(t) dt,
approx. EAS= 1/2 * L * I2 * ( VVON(CL)-Vbb )
BSP 350
Max allowable power dissipationtot = f (TA,TSP)tot [W]255075100125150A, TSP[°C]
On state resistance (Vbb- pin to OUT pin)ON = f (Tj);Vbb = 13.5 V;IL = 70 mAON [Ω]
-50-250255075100125150J [°C]
Typ. on state resistance (Vbb- pin to OUT pin)ON = f (Vbb); IL = 70 mA; Tj = 25°CON [Ω]510152025bb [V]
Typ. short circuit currentL(SC) = f(Tj); Vbb = 13.5VLSC [Α]
-50-250255075100125150J [°C]
BSP 350
Typ. short circuit currentL(SC) = f(VON); Vbb = 13.5V; Tj = 25°CLSC [Α]
0.7468ON [V]
Typ. short circuit currentL(SC) = f(t); Vbb = 13.5V
no heatsink; Parameter: TjStartL(SC)[mA]
Test circuitin
Turn on conditions
Chargepump thresholdON = f (Vbb)2 468
BSP 350
Package:all dimensions in mm.
SOT 223/3:
Edition 7.97
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