BQ4287MT-SB2 ,RTC Module With 114x8 NVSRAM and NVSRAM Control
BQ4802LYDW ,Y2K-Compliant Parallel RTC with CPU Supervisor and External NVSRAM Control, 3V VccFEATURES APPLICATIONS Real-Time Clock Counts Seconds Through Telecommunications Base StationsCent ..
BQ4802LYPW ,Y2K-Compliant Parallel RTC with CPU Supervisor and External NVSRAM Control, 3V VccSLUS464C – AUGUST 2000 – REVISED JUNE 2002These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The l ..
BQ4802LYPWG4 ,Y2K-Compliant Parallel RTC with CPU Supervisor and External NVSRAM Control, 3V Vcc 28-TSSOP 0 to 70maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
BQ4802LYPWR ,Y2K-Compliant Parallel RTC with CPU Supervisor and External NVSRAM Control, 3V VccMAXIMUM RATINGS(1)over operating free-air temperature range unless otherwise notedbq4802Ybq4802LYIn ..
BQ4802YDW ,Y2K-Compliant Parallel RTC with CPU Supervisor and External NVSRAM Control, 5V VccFEATURES APPLICATIONS Real-Time Clock Counts Seconds Through Telecommunications Base StationsCent ..
BVS-A-R002-1.0 , Precision Resistors
BVS-A-R002-1.0 , Precision Resistors
BVS-A-R003-5.0 , Precision Resistors
BVS-A-R003-5.0 , Precision Resistors
BVS-M-R0003-1.0 , Precision Resistors
BVS-M-R001-1.0 , Precision Resistors
RTC Module With 114x8 NVSRAM and NVSRAM Control