BQ3285EP ,-Real-Time Clock RTCGeneral Descriptionand calendar data➤ Direct clock/calendar replace- The CMOS bq3285E/L is a low-➤ ..
BQ3285EP ,-Real-Time Clock RTCGeneral Descriptionand calendar data➤ Direct clock/calendar replace- The CMOS bq3285E/L is a low-➤ ..
BQ3285ES ,-Real-Time Clock RTCGeneral Descriptionand calendar data➤ Direct clock/calendar replace- The CMOS bq3285E/L is a low-➤ ..
BQ3285ESS ,-Real-Time Clock RTCBlock DiagramAD0–AD7 Multiplexed address/data input/Pin DescriptionsoutputMOT Bus type select input ..
BQ3285ESS ,-Real-Time Clock RTCBlock DiagramAD0–AD7 Multiplexed address/data input/Pin DescriptionsoutputMOT Bus type select input ..
BQ3285ESS ,-Real-Time Clock RTCfeatures include- Closely matches MC146818Athree maskable interrupt sources,pin configuration - 12- ..
BUZ102S ,N-Channel SIPMOS Power TransistorFeaturesDrain source voltage 55 VVDS• N channelDrain-Source on-state resistance 0.018R Ω• Enhanceme ..
BUZ102SL ,SIPMOS Power Transistor (N channel Enhancement mode Logic Level Avalanche-rated dv/dt rated)CharacteristicsDrain- source breakdown voltage 55 - - VV(BR)DSSV = 0 V, I = 0.25 mAGS DGate thresho ..
BUZ102SL ,SIPMOS Power Transistor (N channel Enhancement mode Logic Level Avalanche-rated dv/dt rated)FeaturesDrain source voltage 55 VVDS• N channelDrain-Source on-state resistance 0.015R Ω• Enhanceme ..
BUZ103 ,SIPMOS Power Transistor (N channel Enhancement mode Avalanche-rated d v/d t rated Low on-resistance)BUZ 103® SIPMOS Power Transistor• N channel• Enhancement mode• Avalanche-rated• dv/dt rated• Low on ..
BUZ103 E3045A ,N-Channel SIPMOS Power TransistorCharacteristicsDrain- source breakdown voltage V V(BR)DSSV = 0 V, I T = -40 °C 50 - -GS D, jGate th ..
BUZ103AL ,SIPMOS Power Transistor (N channel Enhancement mode Avalanche-rated Logic Level d v/d t rated)BUZ 103AL® SIPMOS Power Transistor• N channel• Enhancement mode• Avalanche-rated• Logic Level• dv/d ..
RTC IC with 242x8 NVSRAM Alarm Wake-up 3V Op on L Version
Features Direct clock/calendar replace-
ment for IBM® AT-compatible
computers and other applications Functionally compatible with the
Closely matches MC146818A
pin configuration 2.7–3.6V operation (bq3285L);
4.5–5.5V operation (bq3285E) 242 bytes of general nonvolatile
storage 32.768kHz output for power man-
agement System wake-up capability—
alarm interrupt output active in
battery-backup mode Less than 0.5μA load under bat-
tery operation Selectable Intel or Motorola bus
timing 14 bytes for clock/calendar and
control BCD or binary format for clock
and calendar data Calendar in day of the week, day
of the month, months, and years,
with automatic leap-year adjust-
ment Time of day in seconds, minutes,
and hours
12- or 24-hour format
Optional daylight saving
adjustment Programmable square wave out-
put Three individually maskable in-
terrupt event flags:
Periodic rates from 122μs to
Time-of-day alarm once per
second to once per day
End-of-clock update cycle 24-pin plastic DIP, SOIC,or
General DescriptionThe CMOS bq3285E/Lisa low-
power microprocessor peripheral
providinga time-of-day clock and
100-year calendar with alarm fea-
tures and battery operation. The
bq3285L supports 3V systems.
Other bq3285E/L features include
three maskable interrupt sources,
square-wave output, and 242 bytes general nonvolatile storage. 32.768kHz outputis availablefor
sustaining power-management ac-
tivities. Wake-up capabilityis pro-
videdbyan alarm interrupt, which activein battery-backup mode.
The bq3285E/L write-protects the
clock, calendar, and storage registers
during power failure.A backup
battery then maintains data and oper-
ates theclock and calendar.
The bq3285E/Lisa fully compatible
real-time clockfor IBM AT-compatible
computers and other applications.
The only external components area
32.768kHz crystal anda backup bat-
Real-Time Clock (RTC)AD0–AD7 Multiplexed address/
data input/output
MOT Bus type select input Chip select input Address strobe input Data strobe input
R/W Read/write input
INT Interrupt request
RST Reset input
SQW Square wave output
EXTRAM Extended RAM enable
RCL RAM clear input 3V backup cell input
X1–X2 Crystal inputs
VCC Power supply
VSS Ground
Pin Connections Pin Names