BQ24193RGER ,I2C Controlled 4.5A Single Cell USB/Adaptor Charger w/ Narrow VDC Power Path 24-VQFN -40 to 85Features• High Efficiency 4.5-A Switch Mode Charger • Safety– 92% Charge Efficiency at 2 A, 90% at ..
BQ24196RGER ,I2C Controlled 2.5A Single Cell USB/Adaptor Charger w/ Narrow VDC Power Path 24-VQFN -40 to 85Features• High Efficiency 2.5-A Switch Mode Charger • Safety– 92% Charge Efficiency at 2 A – Batter ..
BQ24200DGN ,500-mA, 4.2-V Single-Chip Li-Ion Charger for Current-Limited App. w/ Temp. Sense, MSOP-8FEATURESDESCRIPTION• Designed Specifically to Work WithCurrent-Limited Wall SuppliesThe bq2420x ser ..
BQ24200DGN ,500-mA, 4.2-V Single-Chip Li-Ion Charger for Current-Limited App. w/ Temp. Sense, MSOP-8SLUS501C–OCTOBER 2001–REVISED MARCH 2008These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The lea ..
BQ24202DGN ,500-mA, 4.2-V Single-Chip Li-Ion Charger for Current-Limited App. w/Charge Status, MSOP-8SLUS501C–OCTOBER 2001–REVISED MARCH 2008These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The lea ..
BQ24202DGN ,500-mA, 4.2-V Single-Chip Li-Ion Charger for Current-Limited App. w/Charge Status, MSOP-8FEATURESDESCRIPTION• Designed Specifically to Work WithCurrent-Limited Wall SuppliesThe bq2420x ser ..
BUK9610-100B ,N-channel TrenchMOS logic level FETBUK95/9610-100BTrenchMOS™ logic level FETRev. 02 — 8 October 2002 Product data1. Product profile1.1 ..
BUK9610-55A ,N-channel TrenchMOS logic level FET
BUK9611-55A ,TrenchMOS(tm) logic level FETApplications■ Automotive and general purpose power switching:cc◆ 12 V and 24 V loads◆ Motors, lamps ..
BUK9614-55A ,TrenchMOS(tm) logic level FETApplications■ Automotive and general purpose power switching:cc◆ 12 V and 24 V loads◆ Motors, lamps ..
BUK96150-55A ,TrenchMOS(tm) transistor Logic level FETLimiting values in accordance with the Absolute Maximum System (IEC 134)SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS ..
BUK9615-100A ,N-channel TrenchMOS logic level FETLIMITING VALUES AND CHARACTERISTICST = 25˚C unless otherwise specifiedjSYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS ..
I2C Controlled 4.5A Single Cell USB/Adaptor Charger w/ Narrow VDC Power Path
10μF 47nF 10FμFμ
Tools &
Support &
bq24193I2C Controlled 4.5-A Single Cell USB/Adapter Charger
with Narrow VDC Power Path Management and USB OTG Features High Efficiency 4.5-A Switch Mode Charger 92% Charge Efficiencyat2A, 90%at4A Accelerate Charge Timeby Battery Path
Impedance Compensatioin Highest Battery Discharge Efficiency with 12-mΩ
Battery Discharge MOSFETupto 9-A Discharge
Current Single Input USB-compliant/Adapter Charger USB Hostor Charging Port D+/D- Detection
Compatibleto USB Battery Charger Spec 1.2 Input Voltage and Current Limit Supports
USB2.0 and USB3.0 Input Current Limit: 100 mA, 150 mA, 500 mA,
900 mA, 1.2A, 1.5A,2A and3A 3.9-Vto 17-V Input Operating Voltage Range Support All Kindsof Adapter with Input Voltage
DPM Regulation USB OTG5Vat 1.3A Synchronous Boost
Converter Operation 93% 5-V Boost Efficiencyat1A Narrow VDC (NVDC) Power Path Management Instant-on Works with No Batteryor Deeply
Discharged Battery Ideal Diode Operationin Battery Supplement
Mode 1.5-MHz Switching Frequency for Low Profile
Inductor Autonomous Battery Charging withor without
Host Management Battery Charge Enable Battery Charge Preconditioning Charge Termination and Recharge (0°Cto 125°C) Regulation Mode Safety Battery Temperature Sensing and Charging
Safety Timer JEITA Guideline Compliant Thermal Regulation and Thermal Shutdown Input System Over-Voltage Protection MOSFET Over-Current Protection Charge Status Outputsfor LEDor Host Processor Low Battery Leakage Current and Support
Shipping Mode 4.00 mmx 4.00 mm QFN-24 Package
Applications Tablet PC and Smart Phone Portable Audio Speaker Portable Media Players Internet Devices
DescriptionThe bq24193 isa highly-integrated switch-mode
battery charge management and system power path
management device for single cell Li-Ion and Li-
polymer batteriesina wide rangeof tablet and other
portable devices.
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe datasheet.
bq24193 with PSEL, USB On-The-Go (OTG) and
Support JEITA Profile