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Fully Integrated Switch-Mode One-Cell Li-Ion Charger with Full USB Compliance and USB-OTG Support
www.ti.com SLUS847A –JUNE 2008–REVISED JANUARY 2010
Fully Integrated Switch-Mode One-Cell Li-Ion Charger with Full USB Compliance and
USB-OTG Support
Checkfor Samples: bq24152
1FEATURES Charge Faster than Linear Chargers 4.5V High-Accuracy Voltage and Current Regulation – Output for VBUS: 5.05V/ 200 mA Input Current Regulation Accuracy: ±5% • 2x2 mm 20-Pin WCSP Package
(100 mA and 500 mA)
APPLICATIONS– Charge Voltage Regulation Accuracy: Mobile and Smart Phones±0.5% (25°C), ±1% (0°C-125°C) MP3 Players– Charge Current Regulation Accuracy: ±5% Handheld Devices• High-Efficiency Mini-USB/AC Battery Charger
for Single-Cell Li-Ion and Li-Polymer Battery DESCRIPTIONPacksThe bq24152isa compact, flexible, high-efficiency,
• 20-V Absolute Maximum Input Voltage RatingUSB-friendly switch-mode charge management
• 6-V Maximum Operating Input Voltage device for Li-ion and Li-polymer batteries
• Built-In Input Current Sensing and Limiting usedina rangeof portable applications. The
Integrated Power FETs for Up To 1.25-A charge parameters can be programmed through an2C interface. The bq24152 integratesa synchronous
Charge RatePWM controller, power MOSFETs, input current
• Programmable Charge Parameters through sensing, high-accuracy current and voltage
I2 C™ Interface (upto 3.4 Mbps): regulation, and charge termination, intoa small
– Input Current WCSP package.
Fast-Charge/Termination Current The bq24152 charges the batteryin three phases:
– Charge Voltage (3.5Vto 4.44V) conditioning, constant current and constant voltage.
The input currentis automatically limitedto the value
– Safety Timer with Reset Control set by the host. Chargeis terminated based on
– Termination Enable user-selectable minimum current level.A safety timer
• Synchronous Fixed-Frequency PWM with reset control providesa safety backup forI2C
Controller Operatingat3 MHz with 0%to interface. During normal operation, bq24152 automatically restarts the charge cycleif the battery
voltage falls below an internal threshold and automatically enters sleep modeor high impedance mode when the input supplyis removed. The charge statusis reportedto the host using theI2C interface.
Typical Application CircuitNot Recommended For New Designs