BQ24090DGQR ,1A, Single Input, Single Cell Li-Ion Battery Charger w/ 10k? NTC | Li-ion Linear Battery Charger IC 10-MSOP-PowerPAD 0 to 125Features 2 Applications1• Charging • Smart Phones– 1% Charge Voltage Accuracy • PDAs• MP3 Players– ..
BQ24092DGQR ,1A, Single-Input, Single-Cell Li-Ion Battery Charger with Operation Over JEITA and 10k? NTC 10-MSOP-PowerPAD -40 to 150Features 2 Applications1• Charging • Smart Phones– 1% Charge Voltage Accuracy • PDAs• MP3 Players– ..
BQ24093DGQR ,1A, Single-Input, Single-Cell Li-Ion Battery Charger with Operation Over JEITA and 100k? NTC 10-MSOP-PowerPAD -40 to 150Features 2 Applications1• Charging • Smart Phones– 1% Charge Voltage Accuracy • PDAs• MP3 Players– ..
BQ24100RHL ,bqSWITCHER(TM) Synchronous, Switch-Mode Li-Ion Charger w/ 2-A FET in QFN, 1-Cell, Standalone Version SLUS606P–JUNE 2004–REVISED NOVEMBER 2015Changes from Revision J (October 2007) to Revision K Page• ..
BQ24100RHLR ,bqSWITCHER(TM) Synchronous, Switch-Mode Li-Ion Charger w/ 2-A FET in QFN, 1-Cell, Standalone VersionSample & Support &Product Tools &TechnicalCommunityBuyFolder Documents Softwarebq24100,bq24103,bq24 ..
BQ24100RHLR . ,bqSWITCHER(TM) Synchronous, Switch-Mode Li-Ion Charger w/ 2-A FET in QFN, 1-Cell, Standalone VersionFeatures 2 Applications1• Ideal For Highly Efficient Charger Designs For • Handheld ProductsSingle- ..
BUK9245-55A ,N-channel TrenchMOS logic level FET
BUK9275-100A ,TrenchMOS(tm) logic level FET
BUK9277-55A ,N-channel TrenchMOS logic level FETApplications 12 V and 24 V loads Motors, lamps and solenoids Automotive and general purpose powe ..
BUK9504-40A ,TrenchMOS(tm) logic level FETApplications■ Automotive and general purpose power switching:◆ 12 V loads◆ Motors, lamps and soleno ..
BUK9506-55B ,N-channel TrenchMOS logic level FETApplications■ Automotive systems ■ 12 V and 24 V loads■ Motors, lamps and solenoids ■ General purpo ..
BUK9507-30B ,N-channel TrenchMOS logic level FETApplications■ Automotive systems ■ 12 V loads■ Motors, lamps and solenoids ■ General purpose power ..
1A, Single Input, Single Cell Li-Ion Battery Charger w/ 10k惟 NTC | Li-ion Linear Battery Charger IC
PDAs– 1% Charge MP3 Players– 10% Charge Accuracy Low-Power Handheld Devices– Pin Selectable and 500-mAMaximum Limit
Description– Programmable and Precharge
The bq2409x seriesof devices are highly integratedThreshold Li-ion and Li-Pol linear chargers devices targetedat• Protection space-limited portable applications. The devices– 6.6V Over-Voltage Protection operate from eithera USB portor AC adapter. The
high input voltage range with input overvoltage– Input Voltage Dynamic Power Management
protection supports low-cost unregulated adapters.– 125°C Thermal Regulation; 150°C Thermal
Shutdown Protection The bq2409x hasa single power output that charges
the battery.A system load can be placedin parallel– OUT Short-Circuit Protection and ISET Short with the battery as longas the average system loadDetection does not keep the battery from charging fully during