BQ24088DRCR ,750 mA Single Chip Li-Ion/Li-Pol Charge Management IC with Thermal Regulation 10-VSON 0 to 125 SLUS784E–DECEMBER 2007–REVISED DECEMBER 20155 Device OptionsPACKSAFETY POWERCHARGE INPUT TERMINATI ..
BQ24088DRCR ,750 mA Single Chip Li-Ion/Li-Pol Charge Management IC with Thermal Regulation 10-VSON 0 to 125features and functional options,to 750-mA Charge Applicationswhile still implementing a complete ch ..
BQ24090DGQR ,1A, Single Input, Single Cell Li-Ion Battery Charger w/ 10k? NTC | Li-ion Linear Battery Charger IC 10-MSOP-PowerPAD 0 to 125Features 2 Applications1• Charging • Smart Phones– 1% Charge Voltage Accuracy • PDAs• MP3 Players– ..
BQ24092DGQR ,1A, Single-Input, Single-Cell Li-Ion Battery Charger with Operation Over JEITA and 10k? NTC 10-MSOP-PowerPAD -40 to 150Features 2 Applications1• Charging • Smart Phones– 1% Charge Voltage Accuracy • PDAs• MP3 Players– ..
BQ24093DGQR ,1A, Single-Input, Single-Cell Li-Ion Battery Charger with Operation Over JEITA and 100k? NTC 10-MSOP-PowerPAD -40 to 150Features 2 Applications1• Charging • Smart Phones– 1% Charge Voltage Accuracy • PDAs• MP3 Players– ..
BQ24100RHL ,bqSWITCHER(TM) Synchronous, Switch-Mode Li-Ion Charger w/ 2-A FET in QFN, 1-Cell, Standalone Version SLUS606P–JUNE 2004–REVISED NOVEMBER 2015Changes from Revision J (October 2007) to Revision K Page• ..
BUK9237-55A ,N-channel TrenchMOS logic level FETApplications 12 V and 24 V loads Motors, lamps and solenoids Automotive and general purpose powe ..
BUK9240-100A ,N-channel TrenchMOS logic level FETApplications 12 V and 24 V loads Motors, lamps and solenoids Automotive and general purpose powe ..
BUK9245-55A ,N-channel TrenchMOS logic level FET
BUK9245-55A ,N-channel TrenchMOS logic level FET
BUK9275-100A ,TrenchMOS(tm) logic level FET
BUK9277-55A ,N-channel TrenchMOS logic level FETApplications 12 V and 24 V loads Motors, lamps and solenoids Automotive and general purpose powe ..
750 mA Single Chip Li-Ion/Li-Pol Charge Management IC with Thermal Regulation
Li-Ion or Li-Pol
Battery Pack
Charge Enable
Input Power
1.5 kW
1.5 kW
49.9 kW
4.7Fm Li-Pol linear chargers, targeted at space-limitedIonor Li-Pol Packsin Space Limited Applications portable applications. The bq2408x series offersa• Integrated Power FET and Current Sensor forup varietyof protection features and functional options,to 750-mA Charge Applications while still implementinga complete charging systema small package. The batteryis chargedin three• Reverse Leakage Protection Prevents Battery
phases: conditioning, constantor thermally regulatedDrainage
current, and constant voltage. Chargeis terminated• ±0.5% Voltage Regulation Accuracy based on minimum current. An internal• Thermal Regulation Maximizes Charge Rate programmable charge timer provides a backup Charge Terminationby Minimum Current and protection feature for charge termination and is
dynamically adjusted during the thermal regulationTime
phase. The bq2408x automatically restarts the charge• Precharge Conditioning With Safety Timer if the battery voltage falls belowan internal threshold;• Status Outputsfor LEDor System Interface sleep modeis set when the external input supplyisIndicate Charge, Fault, and Power Good Outputs removed. Multiple versions of this device family
enable easy designof the bq2408xin cradle chargers• Short-Circuit and Thermal Protectionin the end equipment, while using low costor high-• Automatic Sleep Modefor Low Power end AC adapters.Consumption Small 3×3 mm MLP Package
Device Information(1) Selectable Battery Insertion and Battery Absent
Detection Input Overvoltage Protection (1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.– 6.5V and 10.5V Options
Applications PDA, MP3 Players, Digital Cameras Internet Appliances and Handheld Devices
Typical Application Circuit