BQ24060DRCT ,Linear 1-Cell Li-Ion Charger w/Thermal Regulation, 6.5V OVP, Temp Sense 10-VSON -40 to 85features and functional options,• Integrated Power FET and Current Sensor forwhile still implementi ..
BQ24064DRCR ,Linear 1-Cell Li-Ion Charger w/ Thermal Regulation, 10.5V OVP, Temp Sense 10-VSON -40 to 85ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSover recommended operating, T = 0 –125°C range, See the Application Circu ..
BQ24070RHLR ,Li-Ion Charger with Dynamic Power-Path Management, Output regulated to 4.4V 20-VQFN -40 to 85Maximum Ratingsover operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITInput ..
BQ24070RHLRG4 ,Li-Ion Charger with Dynamic Power-Path Management, Output regulated to 4.4V 20-VQFN -40 to 85Pin Functions (continued)PINI/O DESCRIPTIONNAME NO.VREF 1 O Internal reference signalGround input ( ..
BQ24070RHLT . ,Li-Ion Charger with Dynamic Power-Path Management, Output regulated to 4.4V 20-VQFN -40 to 85Features... 19 Application and Implementation...... 202 Applications..... 19.1 Application Informat ..
BQ24070RHLTG4 ,Li-Ion Charger with Dynamic Power-Path Management, Output regulated to 4.4V 20-VQFN -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe bq24070 and bq24071 are highly integrated Li-1• Small 3.5-mm × 4.5-mm VQF ..
BUK7880-55 ,N-channel TrenchMOS standard level FET
BUK7880-55A ,TrenchMOS transistor standard level FETLIMITING VALUESYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN. MAX. UNITV Electrostatic discharge capacitor Human b ..
BUK790540AI ,N-channel TrenchPLUS standard level FETApplications Electrical Power Assisted Steering Variable Valve Timing for engines(EPAS)1.4 Quick ..
BUK7905-40AIE ,TrenchPLUS standard level FETBUK71/7905-40AIETrenchPLUS standard level FETRev. 02 — 1 October 2002 Product data1. Product profile ..
BUK7907-55AIE ,TrenchPLUS standard level FETApplications■ Variable Valve Timing for engines ■ Electrical Power Assisted Steering.1.4 Quick refe ..
BUK7907-55ATE ,N-channel TrenchPLUS standard level FETApplications 12 V and 24 V high power motor Electrical Power Assisted Steering drives (EPAS) Au ..
Linear 1-Cell Li-Ion Charger w/Thermal Regulation, 6.5V OVP, Temp Sense
WITH THERMAL REGULATION Ideal for Low-Dropout Designs for Single-Cell The bq2406x series are highly integrated Li-Ion and
Li-Ionor Li-Pol Packsin Space Limited Li-Pol linear chargers, targeted at space-limited
Applications portable applications. The bq2406x series offersa
variety of safety features and functional options,•
Integrated Power FET and Current Sensor for while still implementinga complete charging system
upto 1-A Charge Applications ina small package. The batteryis chargedin three•
Reverse Leakage Protection Prevents Battery phases: conditioning, constantor thermally regulated
Drainage current, and constant voltage. Chargeis terminated
based on minimum current. An internal• ±0.5%
Voltage Regulation Accuracyprogrammable charge timer providesa backup•
Thermal Regulation Maximizes Charge Rate safety feature for charge termination and is•
Charge Terminationby Minimum Current andTime•
Precharge With Safety Timer•
Status Outputs for LEDor System InterfaceIndicate Fault, and Power Good family enable easy
Outputs chargersorin the while using low•
Short-Circuit Thermal Protection costor high-end AC
Automatic Mode for Low Power
Pin OutConsumption (Top View)•
Small Package Selectable Insertion