BQ24004PWPR ,Li-Ion Linear (8.2V & 8.4V) Charge Management IC For Two-Cell Apps W/Integrated FET, One LEDELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSover recommended operating junction temperature supply and input voltages ..
BQ24005 ,Li-Ion Linear (8.2V & 8.4V) Charge Management IC For Two-Cell Apps W/Integrated FET, Two LEDFEATURESDESCRIPTION2• Highly Integrated Solution With FET PassThe bq2400x series ICs are advanced L ..
BQ24005PWP ,Li-Ion Linear (8.2V & 8.4V) Charge Management IC For Two-Cell Apps W/Integrated FET, Two LEDmaximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functio ..
BQ24005PWP ,Li-Ion Linear (8.2V & 8.4V) Charge Management IC For Two-Cell Apps W/Integrated FET, Two LEDThese devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the dev ..
BQ24005PWPG4 ,Linear 2-cell Li-Ion Battery Charger w/Integrated FET, Two LED 20-HTSSOP -20 to 70ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSover recommended operating junction temperature supply and input voltages ..
BQ24006 ,Li-Ion Linear (8.2V & 8.4V) Charge Management IC For Two-Cell Apps W/Integrated FET, Bi-Color LEDFEATURESDESCRIPTION2• Highly Integrated Solution With FET PassThe bq2400x series ICs are advanced L ..
BUK7107-55AIE ,TrenchPLUS standard level FETBUK71/7907-55AIETrenchPLUS standard level FETRev. 01 — 12 August 2002 Product data1. Product profile ..
BUK7107-55ATE ,TrenchPLUS standard level FETApplications■ Variable Valve Timing for engines ■ Electrical Power Assisted Steering■ Automotive an ..
BUK7109-75AIE ,TrenchPLUS standard level FETApplications■ Variable Valve Timing for engines ■ Electrical Power Assisted Steering.1.4 Quick refe ..
BUK7109-75ATE ,TrenchPLUS standard level FETApplications■ Variable Valve Timing for engines ■ Electrical Power Assisted Steering.1.4 Quick refe ..
BUK7208-40B ,N-channel TrenchMOS standard level FET
BUK7212-55B ,Trenchmos (tm) standard level FETApplications■ Automotive systems ■ 12 V and 24 V loads■ Motors, lamps and solenoids ■ General purpo ..
Li-Ion Linear (8.2V & 8.4V) Charge Management IC For Two-Cell Apps W/Integrated FET, One LED
www.ti.com SLUS476F –DECEMBER 2000–REVISED MAY 2012
Checkfor Samples: bq24004, bq24005, bq24006
DESCRIPTION Highly Integrated Solution With FET Pass The bq2400x series ICs are advanced Li-Ion linear
Transistor and Reverse-Blocking Schottky and charge management devices for highly integrated and
Thermal Protection space-limited applications. They combine high-
• Integrated Voltage and Current Regulation accuracy current and voltage regulation; FET pass-
With Programmable Charge Current transistor and reverse-blocking Schottky; battery
conditioning, temperature,or input-power monitoring;
• High-Accuracy Voltage Regulation (±1%)charge termination; charge-status indication; and
• Ideal for Low-Dropout Linear Charger Designs charge timerina small package.
for Two-Cell Li-Ion Packs With Cokeor
Graphite Anodes The bq2400x measures battery temperature usingan
external thermistor. For safety, the bq2400x inhibits
• Upto 1.2-A Continuous Charge Current charge until the battery temperatureis within the
• Safety-Charge Timer During Preconditioning user-defined thresholds. Alternatively, the user can
and Fast Charge monitor the input voltage to qualify charge. The
bq2400x series then charge the batteryin three
• Integrated Cell Conditioning for Revivingphases: preconditioning, constant current, and
Deeply Discharged Cells and Minimizing Heat constant voltage.If the battery voltageis below the
Dissipation During Initial Stageof Charge internal low-voltage threshold, the bq2400x uses low-
• Optional Temperatureor Input-Power current precharge to condition the battery. A
Monitoring Before and During Charge preconditioning timer provides additional safety.
Various Charge-Status Output Options for Following pre- conditioning, the bq2400x appliesa
Driving Single, Double,or Bicolor LEDsor constant-charge currentto the battery. An external
sense-resistor sets the magnitudeof the current. The
Host-Processor Interfaceconstant-current phaseis maintained until the battery
• Charge Termination by Minimum Current and reaches the charge-regulation voltage. The bq2400x
Time then transitionsto the constant voltage phase. The
• Low-Power Sleep Mode user can configure the device for cells with eitherof the voltage over the operating voltage range. timeor minimum the chargeif the internal recharge