BQ2014SN-D120TRG4 ,NiCd/NiMH Gas Gauge W/1-Wire (DQ) I/F, 5 LED Drivers, Control Signals For BQ2004 Fast-Charge IC 16-SOIC 0 to 70Not Recommended For New Designsbq2014Gas Gauge IC with External Charge ControlNominal Available Cha ..
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NiCd/NiMH Gas Gauge W/1-Wire (DQ) I/F, 5 LED Drivers, Control Signals For BQ2004 Fast-Charge IC
Features Conservative and repeatable
measurementof available charge
inrechargeable batteries Charge control output operatesan
external charge controller suchas
thebq2004 FastChargeIC Designed for battery pack inte-
120µA typical standby current Display capacity via single-wire
serial communication portordi-
rectdrive ofLEDs Measurements compensatedfor
current andtemperature Self-discharge compensation using
internal temperature sensor User-selectable end-of-discharge
threshold Battery voltage, nominal avail-
able charge, temperature, etc.
available overserial port 16-pin narrow SOIC
General DescriptionThe bq2014 Gas GaugeICis in-
tendedfor battery-packor in-system
installationto maintainan accurate
recordof available battery charge.
TheIC monitors the voltage drop
acrossa sense resistor connectedin
series between the negative battery
terminal and groundto determine
charge and discharge activityof the
Self-dischargeof NiMH and NiCd
batteriesis estimated basedonan
internal timer and temperature sen-
sor. Compensationsfor battery tem-
perature and rateof chargeor dis-
chargeare appliedtothe charge, dis-
charge, and self-discharge calcula-
tionsto provide available chargein-
formation acrossa wide rangeofop-
erating conditions. Battery capacity automatically recalibrated,or
“learned,”in the courseofa dis-
charge cycle fromfull toempty.
The bq2014 includesa charge con-
trol output that controlsan external
FastChargeIC suchas thebq2004.
Nominal Available Charge (NAC)
maybe directly indicated usinga
five-segment LEDdisplay.
The bq2014 supportsa simple single-
line bidirectional serial linktoanex-
ternal processor (witha common
ground). The bq2014 outputs battery
informationin responseto external
commands overthe seriallink.
Internal registers include available
charge, temperature, capacity, bat-
tery voltage, battery ID, battery
status, and programming pin set-
tings.To support subassembly test-
ing, the outputs may alsobe con-
trolled. The external processor may
also overwrite someof the bq2014
gas gauge data registers.
The bq2014 may operate directly
from threeor four cells. With the
REF output andan external transis-
tor,a simple, inexpensive regulator
canbe builtto provide VCC acrossa
greaternumber ofcells.
LCOM LED common output
SEG1/PROG1 LED segment1/
program1 input
SEG2/PROG2 LED segment2/
program2 input
SEG3/PROG3 LED segment3/
program3 input
SEG4/PROG4 LED segment4/
program4 input
SEG5/PROG5 LED segment5/
program5 input
DONE Fast charge complete
REF Voltage reference output
CHG Charge control output Serial communications
EMPTY Empty battery indicator
output Battery sense input
DISP Display control input Sense resistor input
VCC 3.0–6.5V
VSS System ground
12/95 C
Pin Connections Pin Names
Gas Gauge IC with External Charge ControlNot Recommended For New Designs