BQ2013HSN-A514TR ,NiCd/NiMH/Lead-Acid Gas Gauge For High Discharge Rates (>10A), Pgmable Offset Error & Load Comp.General DescriptionNominal available charge may be➤ Accurate measurement of available The bq2013H G ..
BQ2014 ,NiCd/NiMH Gas Gauge W/1-Wire (DQ) I/F, 5 LED Drivers, Control Signals For BQ2004 Fast-Charge ICNot Recommended For New Designsbq2014Gas Gauge IC with External Charge ControlNominal Available Cha ..
BQ2014H ,NiCd/NiMH Gas Gauge With High-Speed 1-Wire (HDQ) Interface And 5 LED Drivers bq2014HLow-Cost NiCd/NiMH Gas Gauge ICbidirectional serial link to an exter-
BQ2014H ,NiCd/NiMH Gas Gauge With High-Speed 1-Wire (HDQ) Interface And 5 LED Drivers bq2014HLow-Cost NiCd/NiMH Gas Gauge ICbidirectional serial link to an exter-
BQ2014HSN ,NiCd/NiMH Gas Gauge With High-Speed 1-Wire (HDQ) Interface And 5 LED DriversGeneral Descriptionnal processor (common ground). TheAccurate measurement of avail The bq2014H NiCd ..
BQ2014HSN ,NiCd/NiMH Gas Gauge With High-Speed 1-Wire (HDQ) Interface And 5 LED DriversGeneral Descriptionnal processor (common ground). TheAccurate measurement of avail The bq2014H NiCd ..
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BUF04 ,Closed-Loop High Speed BufferCHARACTERISTICSGain A R = 2 kΩ, 0.995 0.9977 1.005 V/VVCL L–40°C ≤ T ≤ +85°C 0.995 1.005 V/VAGain L ..
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BUF04GS ,Closed-Loop High Speed BufferCHARACTERISTICSGain A R = 2 kΩ 0.995 0.9985 1.005 V/VVCL L–40°C ≤ T ≤ +85°C 0.995 0.9980 1.005 V/VA ..
NiCd/NiMH/Lead-Acid Gas Gauge For High Discharge Rates (>10A), Pgmable Offset Error & Load Comp.
Features Accurate measurementof available
chargein rechargeable batteries Designedfor electric assist bicycles
andotherapplications Measuresa wide dynamic current
range Supports NiCd, NiMH orlead acid Designed for battery pack inte-
120µA typical standby current
Small size enables imple-
mentations in as little as12square inch of PCB Direct driveof LEDsfor capacity
display Automatic charge and self-
discharge compensation usingin-
ternal temperature sensor Simple single-wire serial commu-
nications port for subassembly
testing 16-pin narrow SOIC
General DescriptionThe bq2013H Gas GaugeICisin-
tendedfor battery-pack installationto
maintainan accurate recordofa bat-
tery’s available charge. TheIC moni-
torsa voltage drop acrossa sense resis-
tor connectedin series between the
negative battery terminal and ground determine charge and dischargeac-
tivityof the battery. The bq2013His
designed for high cpaacity battery
packs usedin high-discharge rate sys-
Battery self-dischargeis estimated
basedonan internal timer and tem-
perature sensor. Compensationsfor
battery temperature, rateof charge,
and self-discharge are appliedtothe
charge counterto provide available
capacity information acrossa wide
rangeof operating conditions. Initial
battery capacity, self-discharge rate,
display mode, and charge compensa-
tion areset usingthe PROG1-6 pins.
Actual battery capacityis automati-
cally “learned”inthe courseofa dis-
charge cycle fromfull toempty.
Nominal available charge maybe
directly indicated usinga five-seg-
ment LED display. These segments
are usedto graphically indicate
nominalavailable charge.
The bq2013H supportsa simple
single-line bi-directional serial linkto external processor (common
ground). The bq2013H outputs bat-
tery informationin responseto exter-
nal commands overthe serial link.To
support battery pack testing, the
outputs may alsobe controlledby
command. The external processor
may also overwrite someof the
bq2013H gas gauge data registers.
The bq2013H may operate directly
from four nickel cellsor three lead
acid. With the REF output andan
external transistor,a simple, inexpen-
sive regulator canbe builtto provide
VCCfroma greater numberofcells.
Internal registers include available
charge, temperature, capacity, battery
ID,andbattery status.
LCOM LED common output
SEG1/PROG1 LED segment1/ Program input
SEG2/PROG2 LED segment2/ Program input
SEG3/PROG3 LED segment3/ Program input
SEG4/PROG4 LED segment4/ Program input
SEG5/PROG5 LED segment5/ Program input
PROG6 Program6 input
REF Voltage reference output
DONE Fast charge complete
HDQ Serial communications
RBI Register backup input Battery sense input
DISP Display control input Sense resistor input
VCC Supply voltage
Pin Connections Pin Names
Gas Gauge IC for Power-
Assist ApplicationsSLUS120B–MAY 1999 - REVISED - JANUARY 2014
Not Recommended For New Designs