BQ2005PN ,NiCd/NiMH Switchmode Charge Management IC For Sequential Charging Of Dual Battery PacksGeneral Descriptionlated charging cur rent.*Se quen tial fast charge and con di - The bq2005 Fast-C ..
BQ2005S ,NiCd/NiMH Switchmode Charge Management IC For Sequential Charging Of Dual Battery PacksGeneral Descriptionlated charging cur rent.*Se quen tial fast charge and con di - The bq2005 Fast-C ..
BQ2005STRG4 ,Switch-mode NiCd/NiMH Battery Charger for Sequential Charging Of Dual Battery Packs 20-SOIC -20 to 70General Descriptionlated charging cur rent.*Se quen tial fast charge and con di - The bq2005 Fast-C ..
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Switch-mode NiCd/NiMH Battery Charger for Sequential Charging Of Dual Battery Packs 20-SOIC -20 to 70
Features Se quen tial fast charge and con di -
tion ing of two NiCd or NiMH nickel
cad mium or nickel-metal hy dride
bat tery packs Hysteretic PWM switch-mode cur -
rent reg u la tion or gated con trol of
an ex ter nal reg u la tor Easily in te grated into sys tems or
used as a stand-alone charger Pre-charge qual i fi ca tion of tem per a -
ture and volt age Di rect LED out puts dis play bat tery
and charge sta tus Fast-charge ter mi na tion by
D tem per a ture/D time, -DV, max i mum
volt age, max i mum tem per a ture, and
max i mum time Op tional top-off and pulse-trickle
charg ing
General DescriptionThe bq2005 Fast-Charge IC pro vides
com pre hen sive fast charge con trolfunc tions to gether with high-speed
switch ing power con trol cir cuitry on a
mono lithic CMOS de vice for se quen tial
charge man age ment in dual bat tery
pack ap pli ca tions.
In te gra tion of closed-loop cur rent con -
trol cir cuitry al lows the bq2005 to bethe ba sis of a cost-effective so lu tion
for stand-alone and sys tem-integrated
charg ers for bat ter ies of one or morecells.
dis-charge-before-charge al lows
bq2005-based charg ers to sup port bat -
tery con ditioning and ca pac ity de ter mi -
na tion.
High-efficiency power con ver sion is ac -
com plished us ing the bq2005 as a
hysteretic PWM con trol ler for
switch-mode reg u la tion of the charg ingcur rent. The bq2005 may al ter na tively
be used to gate an ex ter nally reg u -
lated charging cur rent.
Fast charge may be gin on ap pli ca tion
of the charg ing sup ply, re place ment of
the bat tery, or switch de pres sion. For
safety, fast charge is in hib ited un -
less/un til the bat tery tem per a ture and
volt age are within con fig ured lim its.
Tem per a ture, volt age, and time are
mon i tored through out fast charge.
Fast charge is ter mi nated by any of
the fol low ing: Rate of temperature rise
(DT/Dt) Negative delta voltage (-DV) Maximum voltage Maximum temperature Maximum time
Af ter fast charge, op tional top-off and
pulsed cur rent main te nance phases
are avail able.
Fast- Charge IC for Dual-Bat tery Packs
Pin Connections Pin NamesSLUS079A - AU GUST 2000 G
DCMDA Dis charge com mand in put,
bat tery A
DVEN - DV en able
TM1 Timer mode se lect 1
TM2 Timer mode se lect 2
TCO Tem pera ture cut- off
TSA, Tem pera ture sense in put,
TSB bat tery A/B
BATA, Bat tery volt age in put,
BATB bat tery A/B
SNSA, Sense re sis tor in put ,
SNSB bat tery A/B
DISA Dis charge con trol out put,
bat tery A
CHA, Charge status out put,
CHB bat tery A/B
FCCA, Fast charge com plete out put,
FCCB bat tery A/B
VSS Sys tem ground
VCC 5.0V ±10% power
MODA, Charge cur rent con trol
MODB out put, bat tery A/B