BQ2004EPN ,NiCd/NiMH Switchmode Charge Management IC W/Negative dV, Peak Voltage Detection, dT/dt Terminationblock diagram and Figure 3 shows aThe DCMD input is used to command discharge-before-state diagram ..
BQ2004EPN ,NiCd/NiMH Switchmode Charge Management IC W/Negative dV, Peak Voltage Detection, dT/dt TerminationGeneral Descriptionured limits.➤ Fast charge and conditioning of The bq2004E and bq2004H FastTemper ..
BQ2004EPN ,NiCd/NiMH Switchmode Charge Management IC W/Negative dV, Peak Voltage Detection, dT/dt TerminationGeneral Descriptionured limits.➤ Fast charge and conditioning of The bq2004E and bq2004H FastTemper ..
BQ2004EPN ,NiCd/NiMH Switchmode Charge Management IC W/Negative dV, Peak Voltage Detection, dT/dt Terminationblock diagram and Figure 3 shows aThe DCMD input is used to command discharge-before-state diagram ..
BQ2004ESN ,NiCd/NiMH Switchmode Charge Management IC W/Negative dV, Peak Voltage Detection, dT/dt TerminationFunctional DescriptionDischarge-Before-ChargeFigure 2 shows a
BQ2004ESN ,NiCd/NiMH Switchmode Charge Management IC W/Negative dV, Peak Voltage Detection, dT/dt Terminationblock diagram and Figure 3 shows aThe DCMD input is used to command discharge-before-state diagram ..
BU97565CH-3BW , RAM built-in, Dot-matrix STN LCD control driver
BU97931FV , Multifunction Segment Drivers
BU9795AFV-E2 , For 128-140 Segment type LCD LCD Segment Driver
BU9795AKV-E2 , For 128-140 Segment type LCD LCD Segment Driver
BU9817FV , 4-channel temperature sensor IC for PCs with I2C BUS interface
NiCd/NiMH Switchmode Charge Management IC W/Negative dV, Peak Voltage Detection, dT/dt Termination
Features Fast charge and conditioningof
nickel cadmiumor nickel-metal
hydride batteries Hysteretic PWM switch-mode
current regulationor gated con-
trolofan externalregulator Easily integrated into systemsor
usedas astand-alonecharger Pre-charge qualificationof tem-
perature and voltage Configurable, direct LED outputs
display batteryand charge status Fast-charge terminationby∆ tem-
perature/∆ time, peak volumede-
tection, -∆V, maximum voltage,
maximum temperature, and maxi-
mum time Optional top-off charge and
pulsed current maintenance
charging Logic-level controlled low-power
mode(< 5µA standby current)
General DescriptionThe bq2004E and bq2004H Fast
Charge ICs provide comprehensive
fast charge control functions together
with high-speed switching power con-
trol circuitryona monolithic CMOS
Integrationof closed-loop current
control circuitry allows the bq2004be the basisofa cost-effectiveso-
lutionfor stand-alone and system-
integrated chargersfor batteriesof
oneor more cells.
Switch-activated discharge-before-
charge allows bq2004E/H-based charg-
ersto support battery conditioning
and capacity determination.
High-efficiency power conversionis
accomplished usingthe bq2004E/Has hysteretic PWM controller for
switch-mode regulationof the charg-
ing current. The bq2004E/H mayal-
ternativelybe usedto gatean exter-
nally regulatedcharging current.
Fast charge may beginon application the charging supply, replacement the battery,or switch depression.
For safety, fast chargeis inhibited
unless/until the battery tempera-
ture and voltage are within config-
Temperature, voltage, and time are
monitored throughout fast charge.
Fast chargeis terminatedby anyof
Rateof temperature rise
Peak voltage detection (PVD)
Negativedelta voltage(-∆V)
Maximum voltage
Maximum temperature
Maximum time
After fast charge, optional top-off
and pulsed current maintenance
phases with appropriate display
mode selections areavailable.
The bq2004H differs from the
bq2004E onlyin that fast charge,
hold-off, and top-off time units have
been scaledupbya factorof two,
and the bq2004H provides different
display selections. Timing differ-
ences between the two ICs are illus-
tratedin Table1. Display differ-
ences areshownin Table2.
Fast-Charge ICsDCMD Discharge command
DSEL Display select
VSEL Voltage termination
TM1 Timer mode select 1
TM2 Timer mode select 2
TCO Temperature cutoff Temperature sense
BAT Battery voltage
SNS Sense resistor input
LED1 Charge status output 1
LED2 Charge status output 2
VSS System ground
VCC 5.0V ±10% power
MOD Charge current control
DIS Discharge control
INH Charge inhibit input
Pin ConnectionsSLUS081A - APRIL 2005
Pin Names