BPW24R ,Silicon PIN Photodiode Document Number 815204 (5) Rev. 2, 20-May-99BPW24RVishay SemiconductorsOzone Depleting Substances ..
BPW34 ,Silicon PIN PhotodiodeRev. 2, 20-May-99 1 (5)BPW34Vishay SemiconductorsBasic CharacteristicsT = 25
Silicon PIN Photodiode
Vishay Semiconductorswww.vishay.comDocument Number 81520
Silicon PIN Photodiode
DescriptionBPW24R is a high sensitive silicon planar photodiode
in a standard TO–18 hermetically sealed metal case
with a glass lens.
A precise alignment of the chip gives a good coinci-
dence of mechanical and optical axes. The device
features a low capacitance and high speed even at low
supply voltages.
Features Hermetically sealed TO–18 case Exact central chip alignment Cathode connected to case Angle of half sensitivity ϕ = ± 12 Extra fast response times at low operating volt-
ages High photo sensitivity Radiant sensitive area A=0.78 mm2 Suitable for visible and near infrared radiation For photodiode and photovoltaic cell operation
94 8642
ApplicationsHigh speed photo detector
Absolute Maximum RatingsTamb = 25C