BPW21 ,Silicon PN PhotodiodeAbsolute Maximum RatingsT = 25
Silicon PN Photodiode
Vishay Telefunkenwww.vishay.de • FaxBack +1-408-970-5600Document Number 81519
Silicon PN Photodiode
DescriptionBPW21R is a planar Silicon PN photodiode in a
hermetically sealed short TO–5 case, especially de-
signed for high precision linear applications.
Due to its extremely high dark resistance, the short
circuit photocurrent is linear over seven decades of il-
lumination level.
On the other hand, there is a strictly logarithmic
correlation between open circuit voltage and illumina-
tion over the same range.
The device is equipped with a flat glass window with
built in color correction filter, giving an approximation
to the spectral response of the human eye.
Features Hermetically sealed TO–5 case Flat glass window with built–in color correction fil-
ter for visible radiation Cathode connected to case Wide viewing angle ϕ = ± 50 Large radiant sensitive area (A=7.5 mm2) Suitable for visible radiation High sensitivity Low dark current High shunt resistance Excellent linearity For photodiode and photovoltaic cell operation
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ApplicationsSensor in exposure and color measuring purposes