BPW17N ,Silicon NPN Phototransistor Document Number 815164 (5) Rev. 2, 20-May-99S – Relative SensitivityrelBPW17NVishay Semicondu ..
BPW21 ,Silicon PN PhotodiodeAbsolute Maximum RatingsT = 25
Silicon NPN Phototransistor
Vishay Semiconductorswww.vishay.comDocument Number 81516
Silicon NPN Phototransistor
DescriptionBPW17N is a silicon NPN epitaxial planar photo-
transistor in a miniature plastic case with a ± 12 lens.
With a lead center to center spacing of 2.54mm and a
package width of 2.4mm the devices are easily stack-
able on PC boards and assembled to arrays of
unlimited size.
Due to its waterclear epoxy the device is sensitive to
visible and near infrared radiation.
Features Miniature T– clear plastic package with lens Narrow viewing angle ϕ = ± 12 Insensitive against background light due to nar-
row aperture Suitable for 0.1” (2.54 mm) center to center spac-
ing Suitable for visible and near infrared radiation Compatible with IR diode CQY37N
94 8639
ApplicationsDetector in electronic control and drive circuits
Absolute Maximum RatingsTamb = 25C