BLF542 ,UHF power MOS transistorapplications in the UHF frequencyFig.1 Simplified outline and symbol.range.The transistor is encap ..
BLF542 ,UHF power MOS transistorPIN CONFIGURATION• High power gainhalfpage• Easy power control• Gold metallization• Good thermal st ..
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UHF power MOS transistor
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
UHF power MOS transistor BLF542
FEATURES High power gain Easy power control Gold metallization Good thermal stability Withstands full load mismatch Designed for broadband operation.
DESCRIPTIONSilicon N-channel enhancement
mode vertical D-MOS transistor
designed for large signal amplifier
applications in the UHF frequency
The transistor is encapsulated in a
6-lead, SOT171 flange envelope, with
a ceramic cap. All leads are isolated
from the flange.
CAUTIONThe device is supplied in an antistatic package. The gate-source input must
be protected against static charge during transport and handling.
QUICK REFERENCE DATARF performance at Tmb = 25°C in a common source test circuit.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
UHF power MOS transistor BLF542
LIMITING VALUESIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum System (IEC 134).
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
UHF power MOS transistor BLF542
CHARACTERISTICSTj = 25°C unless otherwise specified.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
UHF power MOS transistor BLF542
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
UHF power MOS transistor BLF542
APPLICATION INFORMATION FOR CLASS-B OPERATIONTmb = 25 °C unless otherwise specified.
RF performance in CW operation in a common source class-B test circuit.
Ruggedness in class-B operationThe BLF542 is capable of withstanding a full load
mismatch corresponding to VSWR = 50:1 through all
phases under the following conditions: VDS= 28 V;
f = 500 MHz at rated output power.