BGU8006 ,SiGe:C Low Noise Amplifier MMIC for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and Compassapplications.1.4 Quick reference data Table 1. Quick reference data = 2.85 V; P < 40 dBm; T =25C; ..
BGX50A ,Silicon Switching Diode Array (Bridge configuration High-speed switch diode chip)
BGY122A ,UHF amplifier modules
BGY122B ,UHF amplifier modules
BGY148B ,HF amplifier modules
BGY1816N ,UHF amplifier module
BSP297 ,SIPMOS Small-Signal Transistor (N channel Enhancement mode Logic Level)
BSP300 ,SIPMOS Small-Signal TransistorBSP 300 ® SIPMOS Small-Signal Transistor• N channel• Enhancement mode• Avalanche rated• V = 2.0... ..
BSP300 ,SIPMOS Small-Signal TransistorCharacteristicsDrain- source breakdown voltage V V(BR)DSSV = 0 V, I = 0.25 mA, T = 25 °C 800 - -GS ..
BSP304A ,P-channel enhancement mode vertical D-MOS transistors
BSP304A ,P-channel enhancement mode vertical D-MOS transistors
BSP304A ,P-channel enhancement mode vertical D-MOS transistors
SiGe:C Low Noise Amplifier MMIC for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and Compass
1. Product profile
1.1 General descriptionThe BGU8006 is a Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) for GNSS receiver applications. It comes as
extremely small and thin Wafer Level Chip Scale Package (WLCSP). The BGU8006
requires one external matching inductor and one external decoupling capacitor.
The BGU8006 adapts itself to the changing environment resulting from co-habitation of
different radio systems in modern cellular handsets. It has been designed for low power
consumption and optimal performance when jamming signals from co-existing cellular
transmitters are present. At low jamming power levels it delivers 17.2 dB gain at a noise
figure of 0.60 dB. During high jamming power levels, resulting for example from a cellular
transmit burst, it temporarily increases its bias current to improve sensitivity.
1.2 Features and benefits Covers full GNSS L1 band, from 1559 MHz to 1610 MHz Noise figure (NF) = 0.60 dB Gain 17.2 dB High input 1 dB compression point of 7.5 dBm High out of band IP3i of 6 dBm Supply voltage 1.5 V to 3.1V Optimized performance at very low 3.6 mA supply current Power-down mode current consumption < 1 A Integrated temperature stabilized bias for easy design Requires only one input matching inductor and one supply decoupling capacitor Input and output DC decoupled ESD protection on all pins (HBM > 2 kV) Integrated matching for the output Extremely small Wafer Level Chip Scale Package (WLCSP) 0.65 0.44 0.2 mm; solder bumps; 0.22 mm bump pitch 180 GHz transit frequency - SiGe:C technology
SiGe:C Low Noise Amplifier MMIC for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo
and Compass
Rev. 2 — 12 December 2012 Product data sheet
NXP Semiconductors BGU8006
SiGe:C LNA MMIC for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and Compass
1.3 Applications LNA for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and Compass (BeiDou) in smart phones, feature
phones, tablet, digital still cameras, digital video cameras, RF front-end modules,
complete GNSS modules and personal health applications.
1.4 Quick reference data[1] PCB losses are subtracted.
[2] Including PCB losses.
[3] f1 = 1713 MHz; f2 = 1851 MHz; Pi= 20 dBm per carrier.
2. Pinning information
3. Ordering information
Table 1. Quick reference data= 1575 MHz; VCC = 2.85 V; Pi < 40 dBm; Tamb =25 C; input matched to 50 using a
5.6nH inductor, see Figure 1; unless otherwise specified.
VCC supply voltage 1.5- 3.1 V
ICC supply current VI(ENABLE) 0.8V
Pi < 40 dBm - 3.6 - mA
Pi = 20 dBm - 8.4 - mA power gain Pi < 40 dBm - 17.2- dB
Pi = 20 dBm - 19.0- dB noise figure Pi < 40 dBm [1] -0.60- dB
Pi < 40 dBm [2] -0.65- dB
Pi(1dB) input power at 1 dB gain compression f= 1575 MHz - 7.5- dBm
IP3i input third-order intercept point f= 1575 MHz [3] -6- dBm
Table 2. Pinning
Table 3. Ordering informationBGU8006 WLCSP6 extremely small wafer level chip scale package; 6 solder bumps;
0.22 mm bump pitch; body 0.65 0.44 0.2 mm
OM7829 EVB BGU8006 evaluation board
NXP Semiconductors BGU8006
SiGe:C LNA MMIC for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and Compass
4. Marking[1] Month code see Table5.
[1] Rotates every 3 years.
5. Limiting values[1] Stressed with pulses of 200 ms in duration, with application circuit as in Figure1.
[2] Warning: due to internal ESD diode protection, the applied DC voltage should not exceed VCC +0.6 V and shall not exceed 5.0 V in
order to avoid excess current.
[3] The RF input and RF output are AC coupled through internal DC blocking capacitors.
Table 4. Marking codesBGU8006 single character, indicating assembly month.[1]
Table 5. Calender marking month codeUnderscore indicates pin 1.
M2012 A B C D E F G H I J K L
2013 M N O P Q R S T U V W X
2014 Y Z b d f h 3 4 5 6 7 9
Table 6. Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).
Absolute Maximum Ratings are given as Limiting Values of stress conditions during operation, that must not be exceeded
under the worst probable conditions.
VCC supply voltage [1] 0.5 +5.0 V
VI(ENABLE) input voltage on pin ENABLE VI(ENABLE) < VCC+ 0.6 V [1][2] 0.5 +5.0 V
VI(RF_IN) input voltage on pin RF_IN DC, VI(RF_IN) < VCC +0.6 V [1][2][3] 0.5 +5.0 V
VI(RF_OUT) input voltage on pin RF_OUT DC, VI(RF_OUT) < VCC+ 0.6 V [1][2][3] 0.5 +5.0 V input power 1575 MHz [1] -10 dBm
Tstg storage temperature 65 +150 C junction temperature - 150 C
VESD electrostatic discharge voltage Human Body Model (HBM) According to
JEDEC standard 22-A114E 2kV
Charged Device Model (CDM) According to
JEDEC standard 22-C101B 2kV
NXP Semiconductors BGU8006
SiGe:C LNA MMIC for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and Compass
6. Recommended operating conditions
7. Thermal characteristics
8. Characteristics
Table 7. Operating conditionsVCC supply voltage 1.5- 3.1 V
Tamb ambient temperature 40 +25 +85 C
VI(ENABLE) input voltage on pin ENABLE OFF state - - 0.35V
ON state 0.8- - V
Table 8. Thermal characteristicsRth(j-sp) thermal resistance from junction to solder point 217 K/W
Table 9. Characteristics at Vcc = 1.8 V = 1575 MHz; VCC = 1.8 V; VI(ENABLE) >= 0.8 V; Pi < 40 dBm; Tamb =25 C; input matched to 50
using a 5.6 nH inductor, see Figure 1; unless otherwise specified.
ICC supply current VI(ENABLE) 0.8 V
Pi < 40 dBm - 3.5 - mA
Pi = 20 dBm - 8 - mA
VI(ENABLE) 0.35 V - - 1 A power gain no jammer - 17.0- dB
Pjam= 20 dBm; fjam= 850 MHz - 17.5- dB
Pjam= 20 dBm; fjam= 1850 MHz - 19.0- dB
RLin input return loss Pi < 40 dBm - 9 - dB
Pi = 20 dBm - 14 - dB
RLout output return loss Pi < 40 dBm - 13 - dB
Pi = 20 dBm - 11 - dB
ISL isolation - 27 - dB noise figure Pi = 40 dBm, no jammer [1] -0.60- dB
Pi = 40 dBm, no jammer [2] -0.65- dB
Pjam= 20 dBm; fjam= 850 MHz [2] -0.7 - dB
Pjam= 20 dBm; fjam= 1850 MHz [2] -0.9 - dB
Pi(1dB) input power at 1 dB
gain compression 11.2- dBm
NXP Semiconductors BGU8006
SiGe:C LNA MMIC for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and Compass[1] PCB losses are subtracted
[2] Including PCB losses
[3] f1 = 1713 MHz; f2 = 1851 MHz, Pi = 20 dBm per carrier.
[1] PCB losses are subtracted
[2] Including PCB losses
[3] f1 = 1713 MHz; f2 = 1851 MHz, Pi = 20 dBm per carrier
IP3i input third-order
intercept point= 1.575 GHz [3] -0 - dBm
ton turn-on time time from VI(ENABLE) ON, to 90 % of
the gain 2 s
toff turn-off time time from VI(ENABLE) OFF, to 10 % of
the gain 1 s
Table 10. Characteristics at Vcc = 2.85 V = 1575 MHz; VCC = 2.85 V; VI(ENABLE) >= 0.8 V; Pi < 40 dBm; Tamb =25 C; input matched to 50
using a 5.6 nH inductor, see Figure 1; unless otherwise specified.
ICC supply current VI(ENABLE) 0.8 V
Pi < 40 dBm - 3.6 - mA
Pi = 20 dBm - 8.4 - mA
VI(ENABLE) 0.35 V - - 1 A power gain no jammer - 17.2- dB
Pjam= 20 dBm; fjam= 850 MHz - 18.0- dB
Pjam= 20 dBm; fjam= 1850 MHz - 19.0- dB
RLin input return loss Pi < 40 dBm - 9 - dB
Pi = 20 dBm - 15 - dB
RLout output return loss Pi < 40 dBm - 13 - dB
Pi = 20 dBm - 11 - dB
ISL isolation - 27 - dB noise figure Pi = 40 dBm, no jammer [1] -0.60- dB
Pi = 40 dBm, no jammer [2] -0.65- dB
Pjam= 20 dBm; fjam =850 MHz [2] -0.65- dB
Pjam= 20 dBm; fjam= 1850 MHz [2] -0.9 - dB
Pi(1dB) input power at 1 dB
gain compression= 1575 MHz - 7.5- dBm
IP3i input third-order
intercept point= 1.575 GHz [3] -6 - dBm
ton turn-on time time from VI(ENABLE) ON, to 90 % of
the gain 2 s
toff turn-off time time from VI(ENABLE) OFF, to 10 % of
the gain 1 s
Table 9. Characteristics at Vcc = 1.8 V …continued = 1575 MHz; VCC = 1.8 V; VI(ENABLE) >= 0.8 V; Pi < 40 dBm; Tamb =25 C; input matched to 50
using a 5.6 nH inductor, see Figure 1; unless otherwise specified.
NXP Semiconductors BGU8006
SiGe:C LNA MMIC for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and Compass
9. Application information
9.2 Graphs
Table 11. List of componentsFor schematics see Figure1. decoupling capacitor 1 nF
IC1 BGU8006 - NXP high quality matching inductor 5.6 nH Murata LQW15A
NXP Semiconductors BGU8006
SiGe:C LNA MMIC for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and Compass
NXP Semiconductors BGU8006
SiGe:C LNA MMIC for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and Compass
NXP Semiconductors BGU8006
SiGe:C LNA MMIC for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and Compass
NXP Semiconductors BGU8006
SiGe:C LNA MMIC for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and Compass