BFW16A ,Leaded Small Signal Transistor General PurposeABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
Vcao Collector-base Voltage (is = 0) 40 V
V ..
BFW17A ,Trans GP BJT NPN 25V 0.15A 3-Pin TO-39Mi? 1) I ?aaaaav 003mm '1 - “x7542;
C7i' SGSmi0llilllStNil
" mumm gmammmm
BFW43 ,HIGH VOLTAGE AMPLIFIERBFW43HIGH VOLTAGE AMPLIFIERDESCRIPTIONThe BFW43 is a silicon planar epitaxial PNPtransistors in Jed ..
BFW92 ,NPN SILICON RF BROADBAND TRANSISTORS Document Number 850402 (5) Rev. 3, 20-Jan-99BFW92Vishay SemiconductorsTypical Characteristics (T ..
BFW92 ,NPN SILICON RF BROADBAND TRANSISTORS Document Number 850404 (5) Rev. 3, 20-Jan-99BFW92Vishay SemiconductorsOzone Depleting Substances P ..
BFW92 ,NPN SILICON RF BROADBAND TRANSISTORSRev. 3, 20-Jan-99 1 (5)BFW92Vishay SemiconductorsElectrical DC CharacteristicsT = 25
30E I) CCI 7939337 tliil3Unl:an '1 I: "f'Sl-'2CC5
tFF/f' SiGSMriM0UilS(i9Rl B FW1 6A
75 [iaCR©EilaEC1l'R©MilCS B FW1 7A
The BFW 16A and BFW 17A are multi-emitter sili-
con planar epitaxial NPN transistors in Jedec TO-39
metal case, with extremely good intermodulation
properties and high power gain. They are primarily
intended for final and driver stages in channel-and
band-aerial amplifiers with high output power from
40 to 860 MHz.
Another possible application is as the final stage of
the wide band vertical amplifier in high speed oscil-
loscopes. To-39
b- tRMr' E
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
Vceo Collector-base Voltage (ls = O) 40 V
Vcen Collector-emitter Voltage (Fuss s 50 Q) 40 V
V0.50 Colletrtor-ttmittor Voltage (ln = O) 25 V
VEBO Emitter-base Voltage (lo = 0) 3 V
Io Collector Current 150 mA
ICM Collector Peak Current 300 mA
Pun Total Power Dissipation at Tamb s 25 't) 0.7 W
at Teasa S 125 t 1.5 W
Tstg, T, Storage and Junction Temperature -. 65 to 200 °C
December 1988 1/4
This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer
30E J) El 75125123 00305171] s III
Rm i-case Thermal Resistance Junction-case Max 50 °C/W
Rm Famb Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient Max 250 °C/W
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tami, = 25 T) unless otherwise specified)
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Icso Collector Cutoff Current (IE = 0) Vca = 20 V Tamb = 150 ''C 20 pA
V(BR)EBO Emitter-base Breakdown Voltage I a 100 3 V
(lc = 0) E “A
VCEKV” Collector-emitter Knee Voltage IO = 100 mA 0.75 V
hpe" DC Current Gain lo = 50 mA VCE = 5 V 25
[c=150mA VcE=5V 25
fr Transition Frequency '0 = 150 mA VCE = 15 V
f = 500 MHz
for BFW 16A 1.2 GHz
for BFW 17A 1.1 GHz
0030 Collector-base Capacitance IE = 0 ch w... 15 V
f=1 MHz 4 pF
Crs, Reverse Capacitance Its = 10 mA ch = 15 V
f=1 MHz 1,7 pF
NF Noise Figure lo = 30 mA VcE = 15 V
(for BFW 16A only) R9 = 75 Q f = 200 MHz 6 dB
Gpe Power Gain (not neutralized) lo = 70 mA VCE = 18 V
f Tlt'.. 200 MHz
for BFW 16A and BFW 17A 16 dB
f = 800 MHz
For BFW 16A only 6.5 dB
Po Output Power Io = 70 mA VCE = 18 V
Channel 9tll
for BFW 16A 130 150 mW
for BFW 17A 150 mW
Channel 62(2)
For BFW 16A only 70 90 mW
. Pulsed l pulse duration = 300 us, duty cycle = 1 %.
" ls = value for which lc = 110 mA at Vcs = 1V.
(1) b = 202 MHz, 1., = 205 MHz,ttm -p, = 208 MHz.
(2) fr, = 798 MHz,1q = 802 MHz, hm-m = 806 MHz.
This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer