BFR340T ,RF-BipolarBFR340TNPN Silicon RF Transistor3Preliminary data
NPN Silicon RF TransistorPreliminary data Low voltage/ low current operation Transition frequency of 14 GHz High insertion gain Ideal for low current amplifiers and oscillators
ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precaution!
Maximum Ratings
Thermal ResistanceTS is measured on the collector lead at the soldering point to the pcbFor calculation of RthJA please refer to Application Note Thermal Resistance
Electrical Characteristics at TA = 25°C, unless otherwise specified
AC Characteristics (verified by random sampling)Gma = |S21e / S12e| (k-(k²-1)1/2), Gms = |S21e / S12e|IP3 value depends on termination of all intermodulation frequency components.
SPICE Parameter (Gummel-Poon Model, Berkley-SPICE 2G.6 Syntax):
Transitor Chip Data:NF =0.4213-
ISE =11.768nA
NR =0.3253-
ISC =3.632nA
IRB =0.01mA
RC =5.2493-
MJE =0.4172-
VTF =0.262V
CJC =222.63fF
XCJC =0.3904-
VJS =0.75V
EG =1.11eV
IS =6.12fA
VAF =42.228V
NE = 2.4753-
VAR =16.777V
NC =0.8956-
RBM =0.2403-
CJE =182fF
TF =10.3ps
ITF =0.0017mA
VJC =0.5487V
TR =2.71ns
MJS =0-
XTI =0-
BF =98.48-
IKF =103mA
BR =19.61-
IKR =0.834A
RB =59.99-
RE =3.677-
VJE =0.626V
XTF =0-
PTF =0deg
MJC =0.319-
CJS =0fF
NK =0.5-
FC =0.735
All parameters are ready to use, no scalling is necessary. Extracted on behalf of Infineon Technologies AG by:
Institut für Mobil- und Satellitentechnik (IMST)
Package Equivalent Circuit:L1 =0.762nH2 =0.706nH
L3 =0.382nH1 =62fF
C2 =84fF3 =180fF
C4 =7fF5 =40fF48fF
For examples and ready to use parameters
please contact your local Infineon Technologies
distributor or sales office to obtain a Infineon
Technologies CD-ROM or see Internet:
Valid up to 6GHz