BFG520W/X ,NPN 9 GHz wideband transistorsapplications in the GHz range,such as analog and digital cellular telephones, cordlesstelephones (C ..
BFG520X ,NPN 9 GHz wideband transistorapplications2 emitterin the RF frontend in the GHz range,3 basehandbook, 2 columnssuch as analog an ..
BFG520XR ,NPN 9 GHz wideband transistor
BFG540 ,NPN 9GHz wideband transistorapplications in the GHz range, such3 baseas analog and digital cellularhandbook, 2 columns 3 44 emi ..
BFG540/X ,NPN 9GHz wideband transistor
BFG540/X ,NPN 9GHz wideband transistorFEATURES PINNINGhandbook, 2 columns4 3• High power gainPIN DESCRIPTION• Low noise figureBFG540 (Fig ..
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BS62LV2006TI-55 , Very Low Power/Voltage CMOS SRAM 256K X 8 bit
BS62LV2008TCP70 , Very Low Power/Voltage CMOS SRAM 256K X 8 bit
NPN 9 GHz wideband transistors
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
NPN 9 GHz wideband transistors BFG520W; BFG520W/X
FEATURES High power gain Low noise figure High transition frequency Gold metallization ensures excellent reliability.
APPLICATIONSRF front end wideband applications in the GHz range,
such as analog and digital cellular telephones, cordless
telephones (CT2, CT3, PCN, DECT, etc.), radar detectors,
pagers, satellite television tuners (SATV) and repeater
amplifiers in fibre-optic systems.
DESCRIPTIONNPN silicon planar epitaxial transistor in a 4-pin
dual-emitter SOT343N plastic package.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
NPN 9 GHz wideband transistors BFG520W; BFG520W/X
LIMITING VALUESIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134).
Note Ts is the temperature at the soldering point of the collector pin.
Note Ts is the temperature at the soldering point of the collector pin.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
NPN 9 GHz wideband transistors BFG520W; BFG520W/X
CHARACTERISTICS =25 °C unless otherwise specified.
Notes GUM is the maximum unilateral power gain, assuming S12 is zero. IC=20 mA; VCE =6V; RL =50 Ω; Tamb =25 °C;= 900 MHz; fq= 902 MHz; measured at 2fp−fq= 898 MHz and 2fq−fp= 904 MHz. dim= −60 dB (DIN45004B);IC=20 mA; VCE =6V; Vp =Vo; Vq =Vo−6 dB; Vr =Vo−6 dB;RL =75Ω;= 795.25 MHz; fq= 803.25 MHz; fr= 805.25 MHz; measured at fp +fq−fr= 793.25 MHz. IC=20 mA; VCE =6V; Vo =75mV; RL =75 Ω; Tamb =25 °C;= 250 MHz; fq= 560 MHz; measured at fp +fq= 810 MHz.UM 10212112– () 1S222– ()-------------------------------------------------------------- dB.log=
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
NPN 9 GHz wideband transistors BFG520W; BFG520W/X
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
NPN 9 GHz wideband transistors BFG520W; BFG520W/X
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
NPN 9 GHz wideband transistors BFG520W; BFG520W/X
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
NPN 9 GHz wideband transistors BFG520W; BFG520W/X