BF996S ,N-channel dual-gate MOSFETapplications such as:43– UHF television tunersg2– Professional communication equipment.g1PINNINGPIN ..
BF996S ,N-channel dual-gate MOSFET Document Number 850102 (8) Rev. 3, 20-Jan-99BF996SVishay SemiconductorsCommon Source S–ParametersV ..
BF996S ,N-channel dual-gate MOSFETLIMITING VALUESIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134).SYMBOL PARAMETER CON ..
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N-channel dual-gate MOSFET
Vishay Semiconductorswww.vishay.com
Document Number 85010
N–Channel Dual Gate MOS-Fieldeffect Tetrode,
Depletion ModeElectrostatic sensitive device.
Observe precautions for handling.
ApplicationsInput- and mixer stages in UHF tuners.
Features Integrated gate protection diodes Low noise figure Low feedback capacitance High cross modulation performance Low input capacitance High AGC-range
3BF996S Marking: MH
Plastic case (SOT 143)
1=Source, 2=Drain, 3=Gate 2, 4=Gate 1 21
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Tamb = 25 C, unless otherwise specified
Maximum Thermal ResistanceTamb = 25 C, unless otherwise specified