BF861B ,N-channel junction FETsLimiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).Symbol Parameter C ..
BF861C ,N-channel junction FETsApplications Preamplifiers for AM tuners in car radios.1.4 Quick reference data Table 1. Quick ref ..
BF862 ,N-channel junction FETAPPLICATIONS Pre-amplifiers in AM car radios.handbook, halfpage21DESCRIPTIONdSilicon N-channel sym ..
BF862 ,N-channel junction FET
BF872 ,PNP high-voltage transistor
BF872 ,PNP high-voltage transistor
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BRS509 ,One - BRS DC/DC converters(1.5 WATT)
BRT12H ,OptocouplersElectrical CharacteristicsT = 25 °C, unless otherwise specifiedambMinimum and maximum values are te ..
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N-channel FET
1. Product profile
1.1 General descriptionN-channel symmetrical junction field effect transistors in a SOT23 package.
1.2 Features and benefits
1.3 Applications Preamplifiers for AM tuners in car radios.
1.4 Quick reference data
BF861A; BF861B; BF861C
N-channel junction FETs
Rev. 5 — 15 September 2011 Product data sheet High transfer admittance Low input capacitance Low feedback capacitance Low noise.
Table 1. Quick reference dataVDS drain-source voltage
(DC) 25 V
IDSS drain current
BF861A VGS =0V; VDS =8V 2 - 6.5 mA
BF861B VGS =0V; VDS =8V 6 - 15 mA
BF861C VGS =0V; VDS =8V 12 - 25 mA
Ptot total power dissipation up to Tamb =25 C- - 250 mW
yfs forward transfer
BF861A VGS =0V; VDS =8V 12 - 20 mS
BF861B VGS =0V; VDS =8V 16 - 25 mS
BF861C VGS =0V; VDS =8V 20 - 30 mS
Ciss input capacitance f=1 MHz - - 10 pF
Crss reverse transfer
capacitance 1MHz - - 2.7 pF
NXP Semiconductors BF861A; BF861B; BF861C
N-channel junction FETs
2. Pinning information
3. Ordering information
4. Marking[1]*= p: Made in Hong Kong.= t: Made in Malaysia.= W: Made in China.
5. Limiting values[1] Device mounted on an FR4 printed-circuit board.
Table 2. Discrete pinning
Table 3. Ordering informationBF861A - plastic surface mounted package; 3 leads SOT23
BF861B - plastic surface mounted package; 3 leads SOT23
BF861C - plastic surface mounted package; 3 leads SOT23
Table 4. Marking codesBF861A 28*
BF861B 29*
BF861C 30*
Table 5. Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).
VDS drain-source voltage (DC) - 25 V
VGSO gate-source voltage open drain - 25 V
VDGO drain-gate voltage (DC) open source - 25 V forward gate current (DC) - 10 mA
Ptot total power dissipation up to Tamb =25C [1] -250 mW
Tstg storage temperature 65 +150 C operating junction
-150 C
NXP Semiconductors BF861A; BF861B; BF861C
N-channel junction FETs
6. Thermal characteristics[1] Device mounted on an FR4 printed-circuit board.
7. Characteristics
Table 6. Thermal characteristicsRth(j-a) thermal resistance from junction
to ambient
[1] 500 K/W
Table 7. Characteristics =25 C; VDS =8V; VGS=0 V unless otherwise specified.
V(BR)GSS gate-source
breakdown voltage=1A 25 --V
VGSoff gate-source cut-off
BF861A ID =1A 0.2 - 1V
BF861B ID =1A 0.5 - 1.5 V
BF861C ID =1A 0.8 - 2V
VGSS gate-source forward
VDS =0V; IG=1 mA --1 V
IDSS drain current
BF861A 2 - 6.5 mA
BF861B 6 - 15 mA
BF861C 12 - 25 mA
IGSS gate cut-off current VGS= 20 V;
VDS =0V 1nA
NXP Semiconductors BF861A; BF861B; BF861C
N-channel junction FETsyfs forward transfer
BF861A 12 - 20 mS
BF861B 16 - 25 mS
BF861C 20 - 30 mS
gos common source
output conductance
BF861A - - 200 S
BF861B - - 250 S
BF861C - - 300 S
Ciss input capacitance f=1 MHz - - 10 pF
Crss reverse transfer
capacitance 1MHz - 2.1 2.7 pF
Vn/B equivalent input noise
VGS=0 V; f=1 MHz -1.5 -nV/Hz
Table 7. Characteristics …continued =25 C; VDS =8V; VGS=0 V unless otherwise specified.
NXP Semiconductors BF861A; BF861B; BF861C
N-channel junction FETsNXP Semiconductors BF861A; BF861B; BF861C
N-channel junction FETs
NXP Semiconductors BF861A; BF861B; BF861C
N-channel junction FETs