BF1208 ,Dual N-channel dual-gate MOSFETGeneral descriptionThe BF1208 is a combination of two dual gate MOSFET amplifiers with shared sourc ..
BF1210 ,Dual N-channel dual-gate MOSFETapplications with 5 V supplyvoltageu digital and analog television tunersu professional communicati ..
BF1211R ,N-channel dual-gate MOS-FETsapplications.12Top view MSB014DESCRIPTIONBF1211 marking code: LFpEnhancement type N-channel field-e ..
BF1211R ,N-channel dual-gate MOS-FETsLIMITING VALUESIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).SYMBOL PARAMETER C ..
BF1211WR ,BF1211; BF1211R; BF1211WR; N-channel dual-gate MOS-FETsapplications.12Top view MSB014DESCRIPTIONBF1211 marking code: LFpEnhancement type N-channel field-e ..
BF1212 ,N-channel dual-gate MOSFETLIMITING VALUESIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).SYMBOL PARAMETER C ..
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Dual N-channel dual-gate MOSFET
1. Product profile
1.1 General descriptionThe BF1208 is a combination of two dual gate MOSFET amplifiers with shared source
and gate2 leads and an integrated switch. The integrated switch is operated by the gate1
bias of amplifier B.
The source and substrate are interconnected. Internal bias circuits enable DC stabilization
and a very good cross-modulation performance during Automatic Gain Control (AGC).
Integrated diodes between the gates and source protect against excessive input voltage
surges. The transistor has a SOT666 micro-miniature plastic package.
1.2 Features and benefits Two low noise gain controlled amplifiers in a single package. One with a fully
integrated bias and one with a partly integrated bias Internal switch to save external components Superior cross-modulation performance during AGC High forward transfer admittance High forward transfer admittance to input capacitance ratio
1.3 Applications Gain controlled low noise amplifiers for VHF and UHF applications with 5 V supply
voltage digital and analog television tuners professional communication equipment
Dual N-channel dual gate MOSFET
Rev. 2 — 7 September 2011 Product data sheet
NXP Semiconductors BF1208
Dual N-channel dual gate MOSFET
1.4 Quick reference data[1] Tsp is the temperature at the soldering point of the source lead.
2. Pinning information
Table 1. Quick reference dataPer MOSFET unless otherwise specified.
VDS drain-source voltage (DC) - - 6 V drain current (DC) - - 30 mA
Ptot total power dissipation Tsp 109C [1]- - 180 mW
yfs forward transfer admittancef=1 MHz
amplifier A; ID =19 mA 26 31 41 mS
amplifier B; ID =13 mA 28 33 43 mS
Ciss(G1) input capacitance at gate1 f=1 MHz
amplifier A - 2.2 2.7 pF
amplifier B - 2.0 2.5 pF
Crss reverse transfer capacitancef=1 MHz - 20 - fF noise figure amplifier A; f= 400 MHz - 1.3 1.9 dB
amplifier B; f= 800 MHz - 1.4 2.1 dB
Xmod cross-modulation input level for k=1 % at dB AGC
amplifier A 100 105- dBV
amplifier B 100 103- dBV junction temperature - - 150 C
Table 2. Discrete pinning
NXP Semiconductors BF1208
Dual N-channel dual gate MOSFET
3. Ordering information
4. Marking
5. Limiting values[1] Tsp is the temperature at the soldering point of the source lead.
Table 3. Ordering informationBF1208 - plastic surface mounted package; 6 leads SOT666
Table 4. Marking codesBF1208 2L
Table 5. Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).
Per MOSFETVDS drain-source voltage (DC) - 6 V drain current (DC) - 30 mA
IG1 gate1 current - 10 mA
IG2 gate2 current - 10 mA
Ptot total power dissipation Tsp 109C [1] -180 mW
Tstg storage temperature 65 +150 C junction temperature - 150 C
NXP Semiconductors BF1208
Dual N-channel dual gate MOSFET
6. Thermal characteristics
7. Static characteristics[1] RG1 connects gate1 (B) to VGG =0 V (see Figure3).
[2] RG1 connects gate1 (B) to VGG=5 V (see Figure3).
Table 6. Thermal characteristicsRth(j-sp) thermal resistance from junction to solder point 225 K/W
Table 7. Static characteristics =25 C; unless otherwise specified.
Per MOSFET; unless otherwise specifiedV(BR)DSS drain-source breakdown voltage VG1-S =VG2-S =0V; ID =10A
amplifier A 6 - - V
amplifier B 6 - - V
V(BR)G1-SS gate1-source breakdown voltage VG2-S =VDS =0V; IG1-S =10mA 6 - 10 V
V(BR)G2-SS gate2-source breakdown voltage VG1-S =VDS =0V; IG2-S =10mA 6 - 10 V
VF(S-G1) forward source-gate1 voltage VG2-S =VDS =0V; IS-G1=10 mA 0.5 - 1.5 V
VF(S-G2) forward source-gate2 voltage VG1-S =VDS =0V; IS-G2=10 mA 0.5 - 1.5 V
VG1-S(th) gate1-source threshold voltage VDS =5V; VG2-S =4V; ID =100A 0.3 - 1.0 V
VG2-S(th) gate2-source threshold voltage VDS =5V; VG1-S =5V; ID =100A 0.4 - 1.0 V
IDSX drain-source current VG2-S =4V; VDS(B) =5V; RG1= 150k
amplifier A; VDS(A) =5V [1] 14 - 24 mA
amplifier B; VDS(B) =5V [2] 9- 17 mA
IG1-S gate1 cut-off current VG2-S =VDS(A) =0V
amplifier A; VG1-S(A) =5 V; ID(B) =0A - - 50 nA
amplifier B; VG1-S(B) =5 V; VDS(B) =0V - - 50 nA
IG2-S gate2 cut-off current VG2-S =4V; VG1-S(B) =0V;
VG1-S(A) =VDS(A) =VDS(B) =0V 20 nA
NXP Semiconductors BF1208
Dual N-channel dual gate MOSFET
8. Dynamic characteristics
8.1 Dynamic characteristics for amplifier A
Table 8. Dynamic characteristics for amplifier A[1]Common source; Tamb =25 C; VG2-S =4V; VDS =5V; ID=19 mA; unless otherwise specified.
yfs forward transfer admittance Tj =25 C26 31 41 mS
Ciss(G1) input capacitance at gate1 f=1 MHz - 2.2 2.7 pF
Ciss(G2) input capacitance at gate2 f=1 MHz - 3.0 - pF
Coss output capacitance f=1 MHz - 0.9 - pF
Crss reverse transfer capacitancef=1 MHz - 20 - fF
Gtr power gain BS =BS(opt); BL =BL(opt)
f=200MHz; GS =2mS; GL= 0.5 mS 32 36 40 dB
f=400MHz; GS =2mS; GL=1 mS 28 32 36 dB
f=800MHz; GS= 3.3 mS; GL=1 mS 23 27 32 dB noise figure f=11 MHz; GS =20mS; BS= 0 S - 3.0 - dB
f=400MHz; YS =YS(opt) -1.3 1.9 dB
f=800MHz; YS =YS(opt) -1.4 2.1 dB
NXP Semiconductors BF1208
Dual N-channel dual gate MOSFET[1] For the MOSFET not in use: VG1-S(B) =0V; VDS(B) =0V.
[2] Measured in Figure 33 test circuit.
8.1.1 Graphics for amplifier AXmod cross-modulation input level for k=1 %; fw =50MHz;
funw =60 MHz
[2]0 dB AGC 90 - - dBV10 dB AGC - 90 - dBV20 dB AGC - 99 - dBV40 dB AGC 100 105 - dBV
Table 8. Dynamic characteristics for amplifier A[1]Common source; Tamb =25 C; VG2-S =4V; VDS =5V; ID=19 mA; unless otherwise specified.
NXP Semiconductors BF1208
Dual N-channel dual gate MOSFETNXP Semiconductors BF1208
Dual N-channel dual gate MOSFETNXP Semiconductors BF1208
Dual N-channel dual gate MOSFETNXP Semiconductors BF1208
Dual N-channel dual gate MOSFET
8.1.2 Scattering parameters for amplifier A
8.1.3 Noise data for amplifier A
Table 9. Scattering parameters for amplifier AVDS(A) =5 V; VG2-S =4V; ID(A) =19mA; VDS(B) =0V; VG1-S(B) =0V; Tamb = 25 C; typical values. 0.991 3.86 3.08 175.91 0.0009 77.41 0.992 1.41
100 0.990 7.73 3.03 171.76 0.0019 78.10 0.991 2.81
200 0.986 15.43 2.99 163.68 0.0037 78.39 0.990 5.57
300 0.980 22.98 2.94 155.54 0.0054 73.53 0.989 8.34
400 0.970 30.44 2.89 147.55 0.0070 68.74 0.986 11.08
500 0.960 37.60 2.82 139.76 0.0085 63.64 0.983 13.78
600 0.948 44.62 2.75 132.16 0.0098 59.62 0.980 16.45
700 0.935 51.44 2.67 124.70 0.0110 55.09 0.977 19.10
800 0.921 58.04 2.58 117.39 0.0120 50.79 0.973 21.69
900 0.908 64.41 2.50 110.20 0.0128 46.62 0.970 24.28
1000 0.894 70.49 2.40 103.31 0.0135 42.78 0.967 26.87
Table 10. Noise data for amplifier AVDS(A) =5 V; VG2-S =4V; ID(A) =19mA; VDS(B) =0V; VG1-S(B) =0V; Tamb =25 C; typical values;
unless otherwise specified.
400 1.3 0.718 16.06 0.683
800 1.4 0.677 37.59 0.681
NXP Semiconductors BF1208
Dual N-channel dual gate MOSFET
8.2 Dynamic characteristics for amplifier B[1] For the MOSFET not in use: VG1-S(A) = 0 V; VDS(A) =0 V.
[2] Measured in Figure 34 test circuit.
Table 11. Dynamic characteristics for amplifier B[1]Common source; Tamb =25 C; VG2-S =4V; VDS =5V; ID=13 mA; unless otherwise specified.
yfs forward transfer admittance Tj =25 C28 33 43 mS
Ciss(G1) input capacitance at gate1 f=1 MHz - 2.0 2.5 pF
Ciss(G2) input capacitance at gate2 f=1 MHz - 3.4 - pF
Coss output capacitance f=1 MHz - 0.85 - pF
Crss reverse transfer capacitancef=1 MHz - 20 - fF
Gtr power gain BS =BS(opt); BL =BL(opt)= 200 MHz; GS =2mS; GL= 0.5 mS 33 37 41 dB= 400 MHz; GS =2mS; GL=1 mS 30 34 38 dB= 800 MHz; GS= 3.3 mS; GL=1 mS 29 33 37 dB noise figure f=11 MHz; GS =20mS; BS =0S - 5 - dB= 400 MHz; YS =YS(opt) -1.3 1.9 dB= 800 MHz; YS =YS(opt) -1.4 2.1 dB
Xmod cross-modulation input level for k=1 %; fw =50 MHz;
funw =60MHz
[2]0 dB AGC 90 - - dBV10 dB AGC - 88 - dBV20 dB AGC - 94 - dBV40 dB AGC 100 103 - dBV