BDP955 ,General Purpose TransistorsCharacteristicsCollector-emitter breakdown voltage V V(BR)CEOI = 10 mA, I = 0 80 - -BDP951C BBDP ..
BDT30CF , isc Silicon PNP Power Transistors
BDT30CF , isc Silicon PNP Power Transistors
BDT32C , isc Silicon PNP Power Transistors
BDT42C , isc Silicon PNP Power Transistors
BDT61C , isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistors
BQ4845S-A4G4 ,RTC IC W NVSRAM Control, Watchdog Timer, uP Reset, Interrupts and Battery Low Warning 28-SOIC 0 to 70Functional Descriptioninterrupt generation.Figure 1 is a
BQ4845S-A4N ,RTC IC W NVSRAM Control, Watchdog Timer, uP Reset, Interrupts and Battery Low WarningFunctional Descriptioninterrupt generation.Figure 1 is a
BQ4845S-A4NTR ,RTC IC W NVSRAM Control, Watchdog Timer, uP Reset, Interrupts and Battery Low WarningFeatures generates an interrupt warning andThe bq4845 Real-Time Clock is asubsequently a microproce ..
BQ4845S-A4NTRG4 ,RTC IC W NVSRAM Control, Watchdog Timer, uP Reset, Interrupts and Battery Low Warning 28-SOIC Features generates an interrupt warning andThe bq4845 Real-Time Clock is asubsequently a microproce ..
BQ4845YS-A4 ,RTC IC W NVSRAM Control, Watchdog Timer, uP Reset, Interrupts and Battery Low Warning
BQ4845YS-A4 ,RTC IC W NVSRAM Control, Watchdog Timer, uP Reset, Interrupts and Battery Low Warning
General Purpose Transistors
BDP951 ... BDP955
NPN Silicon AF Power Transistor For AF driver and output stages High collector current High current gain Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Complementary types: BDP952 ... BDP956 (PNP)
Maximum Ratings
Thermal ResistanceFor calculation of RthJA please refer to Application Note Thermal Resistance
BDP951 ... BDP955
Electrical Characteristics at TA = 25°C, unless otherwise specified.
DC Characteristics
AC Characteristics
BDP951 ... BDP955
Total power dissipation Ptot = f (TS)
Permissible Pulse Load RthJS = f (tp)
10 0
-2 10
-1 10 10 10 10 10
Permissible Pulse Load totmax / PtotDC = f (tp) 0 10 10 10 10
/ P
DC current gain hFE = f (IC) CE = 2V 4 10 10 10 10
BDP951 ... BDP955
Collector cutoff current ICBO = f (TA) CB = 45V
-1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Collector-emitter saturation voltage C = f (VCEsat), hFE = 10
0.010 10 10 10 10
Base-emitter saturation voltage C = f (VBEsat), hFE = 10
0.010 10 10 10 10
Collector current IC = f (VBE) CE = 2V
0.010 10 10 10 10