BCW32LT1 ,General Purpose TransistorsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ACharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
BCW33 ,NPN general purpose transistors
BCW33 ,NPN general purpose transistorsFEATURES PINNING• Low current (100 mA)PIN DESCRIPTION• Low voltage (32 V).1 base2 emitter
BCW33 ,NPN general purpose transistors
BCW33 ,NPN general purpose transistors
BCW33 ,NPN general purpose transistors
BLM21AG102SN1D , EMIFIL (Inductor type) Chip Ferrite Bead BLM21A Series (0805 Size)
BLM21AG102SN1D , EMIFIL (Inductor type) Chip Ferrite Bead BLM21A Series (0805 Size)
BLM21AG331SN1D , EMIFIL (Inductor type) Chip Ferrite Bead BLM21A Series (0805 Size)
BLM21AG601SN1D , EMIFIL (Inductor type) Chip Ferrite Bead BLM21A Series (0805 Size)
BLM21AG601SN1D , EMIFIL (Inductor type) Chip Ferrite Bead BLM21A Series (0805 Size)
BLM21AJ601SH1D , SMD/BLOCK Type EMI Suppression Filters
General Purpose Transistors
General Purpose
NPN Silicon
Features Pb−Free Package is Available
MAXIMUM RATINGSMaximum ratings are those values beyond which device damage can occur.
Maximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limit values (not
normal operating conditions) and are not valid simultaneously. If these limits are
exceeded, device functional operation is not implied, damage may occur and
reliability may be affected.
THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS FR−5 = 1.0 � 0.75 � 0.062 in. Alumina = 0.4 � 0.3 � 0.024 in. 99.5% alumina.