BCV62A ,PNP general purpose double transistor
BCV62A ,PNP general purpose double transistorLimiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).Symbol Parameter C ..
BCV62B ,PNP general-purpose double transistorsGeneral descriptionPNP general-purpose double transistors in a small SOT143B Surface-Mounted Device ..
BCV62C ,PNP Silicon Double Transistors (To be used as a current mirror Good thermal coupling and VBE matching)
BCV63 ,NPN general-purpose double transistorsLIMITING VALUESIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134).SYMBOL PARAMETER CON ..
BCV63B ,NPN general purpose double transistorsapplications.21handbook, halfpage 4 3DESCRIPTIONNPN double transistor in a SOT143B plastic package. ..
BLM18RK601SN1D , EMIFIL (Inductor type) Chip Ferrite Bead
BLM18RK601SN1D , EMIFIL (Inductor type) Chip Ferrite Bead
BLM18SG700TN1D , SMD/BLOCK Type EMI Suppression Filters
BLM18TG221TN1D , SMD/BLOCK Type EMI Suppression Filters
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BLM18TG601TN1D , SMD/BLOCK Type EMI Suppression Filters
PNP general purpose double transistor