BCP56-16T3 ,NPN Silicon Epitaxial Transistor**Order this documentSEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTEby AN1607/D ** ** By Bill Lucas and Warren Schul ..
BCP56-16T3 ,NPN Silicon Epitaxial TransistorTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSWW = Work WeekCharacteristic Symbol Max UnitORDERING INFORMATIONThermal Resi ..
BCP56T1 ,MEDIUM POWER NPN SILICON HIGH CURRENT TRANSISTOR SURFACE MOUNTElectrical Characteristicsbetween software development tools and a motor. Its useThe following
BCP68 ,NPN TransistorTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSDevice Package ShippingCharacteristic Symbol Max Unit BCP68T1 SOT−223−4 1000 ..
BCP68-10 ,General Purpose TransistorsCharacteristicsCollector-emitter breakdown voltage 20 - - VV(BR)CEOI = 30 mA, I = 0 C BCollector-em ..
BCP68-16 ,General Purpose TransistorsCharacteristics at T = 25°C, unless otherwise specified.AParameter Symbol Values Unitmin. typ. max.
BL8563 , Low noise, fast response 300mA LDO regulator
BL9148 , BL9148
BL9150 , CMOS LSI designed for use on the general infrared ray remote control receiver
BLA2AAG102SN4D , EMIFIL (Inductor type) Chip Ferrite Bead (Array) BLA2AA/BLA2AB Series (0804 Size)
BLA2AAG121SN4D , EMIFIL (Inductor type) Chip Ferrite Bead (Array) BLA2AA/BLA2AB Series (0804 Size)
BLA2AAG121SN4D , EMIFIL (Inductor type) Chip Ferrite Bead (Array) BLA2AA/BLA2AB Series (0804 Size)
BCP56T1 Series
Preferred DevicesNPN Silicon
Epitaxial Transistor
These NPN Silicon Epitaxial transistors are designed for use in
audio amplifier applications. The device is housed in the SOT-223
package, which is designed for medium power surface mount
Features Pb−Free Package is Available High Current: 1.0 Amp The SOT-223 package can be soldered using wave or reflow. The
formed leads absorb thermal stress during soldering, eliminating the
possibility of damage to the die Available in 12 mm Tape and Reel
Use BCP56T1 to order the 7 inch/1000 unit reel
Use BCP56T3 to order the 13 inch/4000 unit reel PNP Complement is BCP53T1
MAXIMUM RATINGS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted)Maximum ratings are those values beyond which device damage can occur.
Maximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limit values (not
normal operating conditions) and are not valid simultaneously. If these limits
are exceeded, device functional operation is not implied, damage may occur
and reliability may be affected.
THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Device mounted on a FR-4 glass epoxy printed circuit board 1.575 in x
1.575 in x 0.0625 in; mounting pad for the collector lead = 0.93 sq in.