BCP ,22 x 22 Ta2 N Back-Contact on Silicon with Part Mark Document Number: 6102758 Revision 07-Aug-01CHIPRESISTORSCHIPRESISTORSBCPThin Film Back-Contact Res ..
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22 x 22 Ta2 N Back-Contact on Silicon with Part Mark
BCPVishay Electro-Films
Thin Film Back-Contact Resistor
With Part Mark
FEATURES Only one wire bond required Part marked - 5 digits maximum Smallest size: 0.022 inches square Resistance range: 10Ω to 1MΩ Oxidized silicon substrate for good power dissipation Resistor material: tantalum nitride, self-passivating Moisture resistant
The BCP series single-value back-contact resistor chip requires
only one wire bond, thus saving hybrid space.
The BCPs are part marked with resistance value allowing user
the ability to visually determine the resistance value of the chip.
The BCPs are manufactured using Vishay Electro-Films (EFI)
sophisticated thin film equipment and manufacturing
technology. The BCPs are 100% electrically tested and visually
inspected to MIL-STD-883.
APPLICATIONSVishay EFI BCP resistor chips are widely used in hybrid packages where space is limited. The bottom connection is made by
attaching the back of the chip to the substrate either eutectically or with conductive epoxy. The single wire bond is made to the
notched pad on the top of the chip. (The other rectangular pad on the top of the chip is a via hole, a low-ohmic contact
connecting the resistor to the bottom of the chip.) The die is part marked with the resistance value.
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