BC858 ,PNP Silicon Transistor (General purpose application Switching application)Thermal Characteristics (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)AParameter Symbol Value UnitBC856 80Collec ..
BC858 B ,SMD Small Signal Transistor PNP Low NoiseAbsolute Maximum RatingsT = 25 °C, unless otherwise specifiedambParameter Test condition Part Symbo ..
BC858A ,SMD Small Signal Transistor PNP Low NoiseRev. 1.2, 08-Sep-04 1BC856 to BC859VISHAYVishay Semiconductors
BC858ALT1 ,General Purpose Transistor• Pb−Free Packages are AvailableCOLLECTOR31BASE
BC858ALT1 ,General Purpose Transistor**Order this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby BC856ALT1/D * PNP SiliconCOLLECTOR3*1BASEMotor ..
BFS17AR ,Silicon NPN Planar RF TransistorRev. 4, 20-Jan-99 1 (10)BFS17A/BFS17AR/BFS17AWVishay SemiconductorsMaximum Thermal ResistanceT = 25 ..
BFS17AR ,Silicon NPN Planar RF TransistorRev. 4, 20-Jan-99 3 (10)BFS17A/BFS17AR/BFS17AWVishay SemiconductorsS11 S21 S12 S22LIN LIN LIN LINV ..
BFS17AW ,Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistor Document Number 850392 (10) Rev. 4, 20-Jan-99BFS17A/BFS17AR/BFS17AWVishay SemiconductorsCommon Emi ..
BFS17LT1 ,RF TRANSISTOR NPN SILICONTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSCharacteristic Symbol Max UnitTotal Device Dissipation, T = 25°C P 350 mWA D ..
BFS17P ,RF-BipolarcharacteristicsCollector-emitter breakdown voltage 15 - - VV(BR)CEOI = 1 mA, I = 0 C BCollector-bas ..
BFS17S ,RF-BipolarBFS17SNPN Silicon RF Transistor45
PNP Silicon Transistor (General purpose application Switching application)
BC856 thru BC859Vishay Semiconductors
formerly General Semiconductor
Small Signal T ransistors (PNP)
Maximum Ratings and Thermal Characteristics (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted)
Features• PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistors for switching
and AF amplifier applications.
• Especially suited for automatic insertion in thick and
thin-film circuits.
• These transistors are subdivided into three groups
(A, B, and C) according to their current gain. The type
BC856 is available in groups A and B, however, the types
BC857, BC558 and BC859 can be supplied in all three
groups. The BC849 is a low noise type. As complementary types, the NPN transistors
BC846...BC849 are recomended.
TO-236AB (SOT-23)
Mechanical Data
Case: SOT-23 Plastic Package
Weight: approx. 0.008g
Packaging Codes/Options:E8/10K per 13” reel (8mm tape), 30K/box
E9/3K per 7” reel (8mm tape), 30K/box