BC848 ,NPN Silicon Transistor (General purpose application Switching application)Thermal Characteristics (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol Value UnitBC846 80Collec ..
BC848A ,SMD Small Signal Transistor NPN General Purpose Amplifier/Switch
BC848A ,SMD Small Signal Transistor NPN General Purpose Amplifier/Switch NPN EPITAXIALBC846/84 ..
BC848A ,SMD Small Signal Transistor NPN General Purpose Amplifier/Switch NPN EPITAXIALBC846/84 ..
BC848A ,SMD Small Signal Transistor NPN General Purpose Amplifier/Switch
BFP182R ,NPN Silicon RF Transistor (For low noise, high-gain broadband amplifiers at collector currents from 1mA to 20mA)
BFP182-R ,NPN Silicon RF Transistor (For low noise, high-gain broadband amplifiers at collector currents from 1mA to 20mA)
BFP182W ,RF-BipolarBFP182WNPN Silicon RF Transistor3
0.250W General Purpose NPN SMD Transistor. 30V Vceo, 0.100A Ic, 200
BC846 thru BC849Vishay Semiconductors
formerly General Semiconductor
Small Signal Transistors (NPN)
Maximum Ratings and Thermal Characteristics(TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted)
Features• NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistors for switching
and AF amplifier applications.
• Especially suited for automatic insertion in thick and
thin-film circuits.
• These transistors are subdivided into three groups (A, B,
and C) according to their current gain. The type BC846 is
available in groups A and B, however, the types BC847 and
BC848 can be supplied in all three groups. The BC849 is a
low noise type available in groups B and C.As complementary
types, the PNP transistors BC856...BC859 are recommended.
TO-236AB (SOT-23)
Mechanical Data
Case: SOT-23 Plastic Package
Weight: approx. 0.008g
Packaging Codes/Options:E8/10K per 13” reel (8mm tape), 30K/box
E9/3K per 7” reel (8mm tape), 30K/box
Mounting Pad Layout