BC847BDW1T1 ,45 V, dual general purpose transistorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ACharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
BC847BDW1T1 ,45 V, dual general purpose transistorTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSBC847BDW1T1G SOT−363 3000 Units/ReelCharacteristic Symbol Max Unit(Pb−Free)T ..
BC847BDW1T1 ,45 V, dual general purpose transistorMaximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limit values (not†Device Package Shippi ..
BC847BDW1T1G ,Dual General Purpose TransistorsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ACharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
BC847BDW1T3G , Dual General Purpose Transistors
BC847BF ,NPN general purpose transistors
BFG196 ,NPN Silicon RF Transistor (For low noise, low distortion broadband amplifiers in antenna and telecommunications)
BFG198 ,NPN 8 GHz wideband transistorLIMITING VALUESIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum System (IEC 134).SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS ..
BFG19S ,NPN Silicon RF Transistor (For low noise, low distortion broadband amplifiers in antenna)
BFG21W ,UHF power transistorLIMITING VALUESIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134).SYMBOL PARAMETER CON ..
BFG235 ,NPN Silicon RF Transistor (For low-distortion broadband output amplifier stages in antenna and telecommunications)
BFG235 ,NPN Silicon RF Transistor (For low-distortion broadband output amplifier stages in antenna and telecommunications)
Dual General Purpose Transistors
Dual General Purpose
NPN DualsThese transistors are designed for general purpose amplifier
applications. They are housed in the SOT−363/SC−88 which is
designed for low power surface mount applications. Device Marking:
BC846BDW1T1 = 1B
BC847BDW1T1 = 1F
BC848CDW1T1 = 1L
Features Pb−Free Package is Available
MAXIMUM RATINGSMaximum ratings are those values beyond which device damage can occur.
Maximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limit values (not
normal operating conditions) and are not valid simultaneously. If these limits
are exceeded, device functional operation is not implied, damage may occur
and reliability may be affected.
THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS FR−5 = 1.0 x 0.75 x 0.062 in