BC635RL1 ,High Current TransistorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ACharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
BC636-16 ,TO-92 Plastic-Encapsulate Biploar Transistors
BC637 , 0.800W General Purpose NPN Plastic Leaded Transistor. 60V Vceo, 1.000A Ic, 40
BC637 , 0.800W General Purpose NPN Plastic Leaded Transistor. 60V Vceo, 1.000A Ic, 40Maximum ratings are those values beyond which device damage can occur.
BC637 , 0.800W General Purpose NPN Plastic Leaded Transistor. 60V Vceo, 1.000A Ic, 40
BC637 , 0.800W General Purpose NPN Plastic Leaded Transistor. 60V Vceo, 1.000A Ic, 40Maximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limit values (notnormal operating condi ..
BF245A ,N-Channel RF Amplifier
BF245A ,N-Channel RF AmplifierBF245A/BF245B/BF245CBF245A/BF245B/BF245CN-Channel Amplifiers• This device is designed for VHF/UHF a ..
BF245A ,N-Channel RF AmplifierBF245A/BF245B/BF245CBF245A/BF245B/BF245CN-Channel Amplifiers• This device is designed for VHF/UHF a ..
BF245A ,N-Channel RF Amplifier
BF245B ,N-Channel RF AmplifierBF245A/BF245B/BF245CBF245A/BF245B/BF245CN-Channel Amplifiers• This device is designed for VHF/UHF a ..
BF245B ,N-Channel RF Amplifier
High Current Transistor
BC635, BC637, BC639,
High Current T ransistors
NPN Silicon
Features Pb−Free Package is Available*
MAXIMUM RATINGSMaximum ratings are those values beyond which device damage can occur.
Maximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limit values (not
normal operating conditions) and are not valid simultaneously. If these limits
are exceeded, device functional operation is not implied, damage may occur
and reliability may be affected.
THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS*For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and soldering details, please