BAT64-07 E6327 ,Silicon AF Schottky Diodeapplications• Integrated diffused guard ring4• Low forward voltage21VPS051784 132EHA07008ESD: Elect ..
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BAT64-07 E6327
Silicon AF Schottky Diode
BAT 64-07
Silicon Schottky Diodes• For low-loss, fast-recovery, meter protection,
bias isolation and clamping applications
• Integrated diffused guard ring
• Low forward voltage
ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precaution!
Maximum Ratings
Maximum Ratings
BAT 64-07
Electrical Characteristics at TA = 25°C, unless otherwise specified.
DC characteristics
AC characteristics
BAT 64-07
Forward current I* Package mounted on epoxy0 T;TS100˚C150
Reverse current I
0102030EHB00058R= 125
Forward current IF = f (VF)A = ParameterF
Diode capacitance CT = f (VR)
f = 1MHz0