BAT17WS ,Schottky DiodesFeaturesDimensions in inches • Low turn-on voltage • Low capacitanceand (millimeters)• Ultrafast s ..
BAT18 ,-Silicon RF Switching Diode (Low-loss VHF/UHF switch above 10 MHz Pin diode with low forward resistance)BAT 18 ...Silicon RF Switching Diode3• Low-loss VHF / UHF switch above 10 MHz• PIN diode with low f ..
BAT18-04 ,PIN DiodesBAT18...Silicon RF Switching Diode
Schottky Diodes
T17WSVishay Semiconductors
formerly General Semiconductor
New Product
Schottky Diode
Maximum Ratings and Thermal Characteristics (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted)
Electrical Characteristics(TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted)
Features Low turn-on voltage • Low capacitance
• Ultrafast switching Ideal for single or double, UHF balanced mixer,
modulators and phase detectors These diodes are also available in case styles
SOT-23 with type designation BA T 17, and
SOD-123 with type designation BAT17W
Mechanical Data
Case: SOD-323 Plastic Package
Weight: approx. 0.004g
Marking Code:L7
Packaging Codes/Options:D5/10K per 13” reel (8mm tape), 30K/box
D6/3K per 7” reel (8mm tape), 30K/box
Mounting Pad Layout